Dear All,

I'm facing problem with the symbols while getting the data from the table.. My output contains these ( � ) type of symbols i don't know why these coming even i declared

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

Can any one having solution for this ?

Thanks in advance..

Are you sure your file's encoding is in UTF8 too?

what browser are you using? Some browsers don't care about this meta tag.

yes pritaeas, i mentioned the above line as it is....
Msanches, I'm using Mozilla firefox ( Latest version )

I did not mean the tag, the file itself has an encoding too (even without the meta tag).

commented: Thanks alot !!! +2

pritaeas, I'm not sure.. If i removed the <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> its working fine now.. what would be the reason ?

That the file itself is not in utf8 encoding, but the meta tag says it is.

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