I,m going through a tutorial for pagination using php mysql and ajax.

I'm getting this error
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\phpAjaxPagination\pageData.php on line 16

This is the file.



if(isset($_POST['pageId']) && !empty($_POST['pageId'])){

$query="SELECT post,link from pagination ORDER BY id DESC
LIMIY $pageLimit,".PAGE_PER_NO;
if($count > 0){
   $HTML.='<a href="'.$link.'" target="blank">'.$post.'</a>';

    $HTML='No Data Found';

echo $HTML;


Can anyone tell me the problem here?


i think query might be the problem there

$query="SELECT post,link from pagination ORDER BY id DESC LIMIY $pageLimit,".PAGE_PER_NO;

can you check the query once by manually at phpmysqladmin sql prompt?

(what i mean is copy the query here and paste and run at sql prompt)

let me know the OP?

on line 13 and 14 you mis-spelled LIMIT by LIMIY check your query

$query="SELECT post,link from pagination ORDER BY id DESC
LIMIY $pageLimit,".PAGE_PER_NO;

Needs to be:

$query="SELECT post,link from pagination ORDER BY id DESC
LIMIT $pageLimit,".PAGE_PER_NO;

Should work :)

Please don't use mysql_* commands, they're being depreciated.

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