
I am making a calculator for school and so far I have written a code that allows user to combine and input. Calling it a formula would be wrong I think. It's like User pushesh buttons and comes up with an input like this for example : 11+4+9-5. Now that is just a string. What I need is to split the string where the operators occur and then choose a function based on the operand. Basically I need to convert that string to working forula and output the answer. This is my code so far.

            function Arvuti(kiht){
                ekraan = document.getElementById("ekraan");

                this.registerInput = function(vaartus){
                    ekraan.value = ekraan.value + vaartus;

                this.arvuta = function(){

            var a1;
            function init(){
                a1 = new Arvuti("kiht1");
            window.onload = init;
        <div id="kalkulaator1">
            <input id="ekraan" type="text" width="100" disabled />
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <table class="nupud left">
                    <td><input type='button' value='1' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='2' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='3' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='4' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='5' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='6' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='7' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='8' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
                    <td><input type='button' value='9' onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);' class="button" /></td>
            <table class="operaatorid left">
                    <td><input type="button" value="+" onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);'/></td>
                    <td><input type="button" value="-" onclick='a1.registerInput(this.value);'/></td>
            <input type="button" value="Arvuta" onclick="a1.arvuta();" class="left clear" />

The argument for Arvuta() is not beeing used atm but it will be used to output the calculator in the div that is named what the argument holds.

Member Avatar for stbuchok

If security is no concern you can use eval.

test it out:







This gives you 6 for the first alert and 8 for the second alert. This should only be used if security is not an issue. Also if you limit the field to use only numeric and mathematical characters [().-+^%...] then it should be fairly good.

Hi Martin C++,

You can match each operator and operand using regex, like this.

var str = "11+4+9-5.5/5*10";
var arr = [];
var cur;

// result of match for str
// ["11", "+", "4", "+", "9", "-", "5.5", "/", "5", "*", "10", ""]
arr = str.match(/[\*\/+-]|[0-9.]{0,}/g);

// get each value in the "arr" array
for(cur in arr){
      ... Do computation stuff here...
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