i have downloaded this script , a photo gallery which creates albums, uploads photos, deletes them, i nedd to insert the path of the folder according to this instructions :

$script_url=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //Change this if you want to use this as an include file.
$files_path="./album/"; // Where does the album start? Anything under the directory the script will read. With Trailing slash
$full_server="http://localhost:8080/phAlbum/album"; //Enter the full server path to where the albums start. //With Trailing Slash

Can you explain it to me, i want to be sure, eventhough there are comments that explain, is it ok this way? Because when i execute i get some erros 403 Forbidden and the whole code is shown as text in browser window, are they related to the above?

no it's not that.

$script_url=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //Change this if you want to use this as an include file.
$files_path="./album/"; // Where does the album start? Anything under the directory the script will read. With Trailing slash
$full_server="http://localhost:8080/phAlbum/album"; //Enter the full server path to where the albums start. //With Trailing Slash

I would say it is the same question as LastMitch has pointed out.


$script_url=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //Change this if you want to use this as an include file.

This will telll you all about $_SERVER : http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php

$files_path="./album/"; // Where does the album start? Anything under the directory the script will read. With Trailing slash

As the comment on the script states: - This is where the gallery starts from

$full_server="http://localhost:8080/phAlbum/album"; //Enter the full server path to where the albums start. //With Trailing Slash

This is the test bed:

localhost = Local test URL (XAMPP etc)
phAlbum = The folder under htdocs where the script has been put
album = folder under /htdocs/phAlbum/ (see album path)

Looking at the README.TXT:


  1. Create an empty directory
  2. Set permissions on directory to 777
  3. Place 'gallery.php' in the directory
  4. Navigate to http://www.yoursite.com/yourdir/gallery.php
  5. The default password is 'admin' (Please change this by opening 'gallery.php' and changing the value of $password)

You need to create the folder album and chmod.

commented: Nice Explanation! +10
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