hi ive got a script that need to upload a photo for an item and display it.but the photo does not show up i get corrupted file instead here is the scrip for the upload part can someone tell me what is going wrong. the photo needs to be save in uploads/deal_images path

        $tmp_file = $_FILES['deal_image']['tmp_name'];
        $filename = "../uploads/deal_images/".$image_name;
        $thumb=new Thumbnail($filename);            // Contructor and set source image file
        $thumb->size_width(939);                    // [OPTIONAL] set width for thumbnail, or
        $thumb->size_height(349);                   // [OPTIONAL] set height for thumbnail, or
        $file_name = "../uploads/deal_images/thumb/".$image_name;  // generate image
        $status=$thumb->save($file_name);            // save your thumbnail to file

         $db->query_update(TABLE_DEALS, $data, "deal_id='$deal_id'");
        /*$seld="select * from ".TABLE_DEALS." where deal_id='$deal_id'";
            $ups="update ".TABLE_DEALS." set is_featured=0 where city='$fcity' and deal_id NOT IN ($deal_id) ";
        }   */

        $primary_id=$db->query_insert(TABLE_DEALS, $data);      
        /*$seld="select * from ".TABLE_DEALS." where deal_id='$primary_id'";
            $ups="update ".TABLE_DEALS." set is_featured=0 where city='$fcity' and deal_id NOT IN ($primary_id) ";

hope some one can help me out thanks

Member Avatar for diafol

you're using some class for this, which we can't see.

it doesnt seems as the scrip is doing that because if i upload a photo via ftp in that folder and try to view it via its url its still corupted.

what can cause this
yet some other photos on the sites are not corrupted

Member Avatar for diafol

Show your class code. You may be trying to reformat in the wrong mode e.g. GIF for PNG etc.

ok the page use 3 classes a database class ,a thumbnail class and xml phaser

here is the thumbnail class

*This is a class that can process an image on the fly by either generate a thumbnail, apply an watermark to the image, or resize it.
* The processed image can either be displayed in a page, saved to a file, or returned to a variable.
* It requires the PHP with support for GD library extension in either version 1 or 2. If the GD library version 2 is available it the class can manipulate the images in true color, thus providing better quality of the results of resized images.
* Features description:
* - Thumbnail: normal thumbnail generation
* - Watermark: Text or image in PNG format. Suport multiples positions.
* - Auto-fitting: adjust the dimensions so that the resized image aspect is not distorted
* - Scaling: enlarge and shrink the image
* - Format: both JPEG and PNG are supported, but the watermark image can only be in PNG format as it needs to be transparent
* - Autodetect the GD library version supported by PHP
* - Calculate quality factor for a specific file size in JPEG format.
* - Suport bicubic resample algorithm
* - Tested: PHP 4 valid
* @package Thumbnail and Watermark Class
* @author Emilio Rodriguez <emiliort@gmail.com>
* @version 1.48 <2005/07/18>
* @copyright GNU General Public License (GPL)

//  Sample -------------------------------------
$thumb=new Thumbnail("source.jpg");         // set source image file

$thumb->size_width(100);                    // set width for thumbnail, or
$thumb->size_height(300);                   // set height for thumbnail, or
$thumb->size_auto(200);                     // set the biggest width or height for thumbnail
$thumb->size(150,113);                      // set the biggest width and height for thumbnail

$thumb->quality=75;                        //default 75 , only for JPG format
$thumb->output_format='JPG';               // JPG | PNG
$thumb->jpeg_progressive=0;                // set progressive JPEG : 0 = no , 1 = yes
$thumb->allow_enlarge=false;               // allow to enlarge the thumbnail
$thumb->CalculateQFactor(10000);           // Calculate JPEG quality factor for a specific size in bytes
$thumb->bicubic_resample=true;             // [OPTIONAL] set resample algorithm to bicubic

$thumb->img_watermark='watermark.png';      // [OPTIONAL] set watermark source file, only PNG format [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->img_watermark_Valing='TOP';         // [OPTIONAL] set watermark vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM
$thumb->img_watermark_Haling='LEFT';        // [OPTIONAL] set watermark horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT

$thumb->txt_watermark='Watermark text';     // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->txt_watermark_color='000000';       // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text color , RGB Hexadecimal[RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->txt_watermark_font=1;               // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text font: 1,2,3,4,5
$thumb->txt_watermark_Valing='TOP';         // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM
$thumb->txt_watermark_Haling='LEFT';       // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT
$thumb->txt_watermark_Hmargin=10;          // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal margin in pixels
$thumb->txt_watermark_Vmargin=10;           // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical margin in pixels

$thumb->->memory_limit='32M';               //[OPTIONAL] set maximun memory usage, default 32 MB ('32M'). (use '16M' or '32M' for litter images)
$thumb->max_execution_time'30';             //[OPTIONAL] set maximun execution time, default 30 seconds ('30'). (use '60' for big images o slow server)

$thumb->process();                          // generate image

$thumb->show();                             // show your thumbnail, or
$thumb->save("thumbnail.jpg");              // save your thumbnail to file, or
$image = $thumb->dump();                    // get the image

echo ($thumb->error_msg);                   // print Error Mensage
################################################  */

class Thumbnail {
    *@access public
    *@var integer Quality factor for JPEG output format, default 75
    var $quality=75;
    *@access public
    *@var string output format, default JPG, valid values 'JPG' | 'PNG'
    var $output_format='JPG';
    *@access public
    *@var integer set JPEG output format to progressive JPEG : 0 = no , 1 = yes
    var $jpeg_progressive=0;
    *@access public
    *@var boolean allow to enlarge the thumbnail.
    var $allow_enlarge=false;

    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark source file, only PNG format [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
    var $img_watermark='';
    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM
    var $img_watermark_Valing='TOP';
    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT
    var $img_watermark_Haling='LEFT';

    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
    var $txt_watermark='';
    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text color , RGB Hexadecimal[RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
    var $txt_watermark_color='000000';
    *@access public
    *@var integer [OPTIONAL] set watermark text font: 1,2,3,4,5
    var $txt_watermark_font=1;
    *@access public
    *@var string  [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM
    var $txt_watermark_Valing='TOP';
    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT
    var $txt_watermark_Haling='LEFT';
    *@access public
    *@var integer [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal margin in pixels
    var $txt_watermark_Hmargin=10;
    *@access public
    *@var integer [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical margin in pixels
    var $txt_watermark_Vmargin=10;
    *@access public
    *@var bool [OPTIONAL] set resample algorithm to bicubic
    var $bicubic_resample=false;

    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set maximun memory usage, default 8 MB ('8M'). (use '16M' for big images)
    var $memory_limit='32M';

    *@access public
    *@var string [OPTIONAL] set maximun execution time, default 30 seconds ('30'). (use '60' for big images)
    var $max_execution_time='30';

    *@access public
    *@var string  errors mensage
    var $error_msg='';

    *@access private
    *@var mixed images
    var $img;

    *open source image
    *@access public
    *@param string filename of the source image file
    *@return boolean
    function Thumbnail($imgfile)    {
        $img_info =  getimagesize( $imgfile );
        //detect image format
        switch( $img_info[2] ){
                case 2:
                    $this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($imgfile);
                case 3:
                    $this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromPNG ($imgfile);
                    $this->img["des"] =  $this->img["src"];
                    $this->error_msg="Not Supported File";
                    return false;
        $this->img["x"] = $img_info[0];  //original dimensions
        $this->img["y"] = $img_info[1];
        $this->img["x_thumb"]= $this->img["x"];  //thumbnail dimensions
        $this->img["y_thumb"]= $this->img["y"];
        $this->img["des"] =  $this->img["src"]; // thumbnail = original
        return true;

    *set height for thumbnail
    *@access public
    *@param integer height
    *@return boolean
    function size_height($size=100) {
            if ($this->allow_enlarge==true) {
            } else {
                if ($size < ($this->img["y"])) {
                } else {

            if ($this->img["y"]>0) {
                $this->img["x_thumb"] = ($this->img["y_thumb"]/$this->img["y"])*$this->img["x"];
            } else {
                $this->error_msg="Invalid size : Y";
                return false;

    *set width for thumbnail
    *@access public
    *@param integer width
    *@return boolean
    function size_width($size=100)  {
            if ($this->allow_enlarge==true) {
            } else {
                if ( $size < ($this->img["x"])) {
                } else {

            if ($this->img["x"]>0) {
                $this->img["y_thumb"] = ($this->img["x_thumb"]/$this->img["x"])*$this->img["y"];
            } else {
                $this->error_msg="Invalid size : x";
                return false;

    *set the biggest width or height for thumbnail
    *@access public
    *@param integer width or height
    *@return boolean
    function size_auto($size=100)   {
        if ($this->img["x"]>=$this->img["y"]) {
        } else {

    *set the biggest width and height for thumbnail
    *@access public
    *@param integer width
    *@param integer height
    *@return boolean
    function size($size_x,$size_y)   {
        if ( (($this->img["x"])/$size_x) >=  (($this->img["y"])/$size_y) ) {
        } else {

    *show your thumbnail, output image and headers
    *@access public
    *@return void
    function show() {
        //show thumb
        Header("Content-Type: image/".$this->img["format"]);
        if ($this->output_format=="PNG") { //PNG
        } else {
            imageinterlace( $this->img["des"], $this->jpeg_progressive);

    *return the result thumbnail
    *@access public
    *@return mixed
    function dump() {
        //dump thumb
        return $this->img["des"];

    *save your thumbnail to file
    *@access public
    *@param string output file name
    *@return boolean
    function save($save="") {
        //save thumb
        if (empty($save)) {
            $this->error_msg='Not Save File';
            return false;
        if ($this->output_format=="PNG") { //PNG
        } else {
           imageinterlace( $this->img["des"], $this->jpeg_progressive);
        return true;

    *generate image
    *@access public
    *@return boolean
    function process () {


        $X_des =$this->img["x_thumb"];
        $Y_des =$this->img["y_thumb"];

        //if ($this->checkgd2()) {
        if ($gd_version>=2) {
        //if (false) {

                $this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($X_des,$Y_des);

                if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) {
                    sscanf($this->txt_watermark_color, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                    $txt_color=imageColorAllocate($this->img["des"] ,$red, $green, $blue);

                if (!$this->bicubic_resample) {
                    imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $X_des, $Y_des, $this->img["x"], $this->img["y"]);
                } else {
                    $this->imageCopyResampleBicubic($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $X_des, $Y_des, $this->img["x"], $this->img["y"]);

                if ($this->img_watermark!='' && file_exists($this->img_watermark)) {
                    $this->img["watermark"]=ImageCreateFromPNG ($this->img_watermark);
                    $this->img["x_watermark"] =imagesx($this->img["watermark"]);
                    $this->img["y_watermark"] =imagesy($this->img["watermark"]);
                    imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["watermark"], $this->calc_position_H (), $this->calc_position_V (), 0, 0, $this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"],$this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"]);

                if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) {
                    imagestring ( $this->img["des"], $this->txt_watermark_font, $this->calc_text_position_H() , $this->calc_text_position_V(), $this->txt_watermark,$txt_color);
        } else {
                $this->img["des"] = ImageCreate($X_des,$Y_des);
                if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) {
                    sscanf($this->txt_watermark_color, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                    $txt_color=imageColorAllocate($this->img["des"] ,$red, $green, $blue);
                // pre copy image, allocating color of water mark, GD < 2 can't resample colors
                if ($this->img_watermark!='' && file_exists($this->img_watermark)) {
                    $this->img["watermark"]=ImageCreateFromPNG ($this->img_watermark);
                    $this->img["x_watermark"] =imagesx($this->img["watermark"]);
                    $this->img["y_watermark"] =imagesy($this->img["watermark"]);
                    imagecopy ($this->img["des"], $this->img["watermark"], $this->calc_position_H (), $this->calc_position_V (), 0, 0, $this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"]);
                imagecopyresized ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $X_des, $Y_des, $this->img["x"], $this->img["y"]);
                @imagecopy ($this->img["des"], $this->img["watermark"], $this->calc_position_H (), $this->calc_position_V (), 0, 0, $this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"]);
                if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) {
                    imagestring ( $this->img["des"], $this->txt_watermark_font, $this->calc_text_position_H() , $this->calc_text_position_V(), $this->txt_watermark, $txt_color); // $this->txt_watermark_color);
        $this->img["x"]= $this->img["x_thumb"];  
        $this->img["y"]= $this->img["y_thumb"];


    *Calculate JPEG quality factor for a specific size in bytes
    *@access public
    *@param integer maximun file size in bytes
    function CalculateQFactor($size)  {
        //based on: JPEGReducer class version 1,  25 November 2004,  Author: huda m elmatsani, Email :justhuda@netscape.net

        //calculate size of each image. 75%, 50%, and 25% quality
        ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->img["des"],'',75);  $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
        $size75 = strlen($buffer);
        ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->img["des"],'',50);  $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
        $size50 = strlen($buffer);
        ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->img["des"],'',25);  $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
        $size25 = strlen($buffer);

        //calculate gradient of size reduction by quality
        $mgrad1 = 25/($size50-$size25);
        $mgrad2 = 25/($size75-$size50);
        $mgrad3 = 50/($size75-$size25);
        $mgrad  = ($mgrad1+$mgrad2+$mgrad3)/3;
        //result of approx. quality factor for expected size

        if ($q_factor<25) {
        } elseif ($q_factor>100) {
        } else {

    *@access private
    *@return integer
    function calc_text_position_H () {
        $W_mark =  imagefontwidth  ($this->txt_watermark_font)*strlen($this->txt_watermark);
        $W = $this->img["x_thumb"];
        switch ($this->txt_watermark_Haling) {
             case 'CENTER':
                 $x = $W/2-$W_mark/2;
             case 'RIGHT':
                 $x = $W-$W_mark-($this->txt_watermark_Hmargin);
             case 'LEFT':
                $x = 0+($this->txt_watermark_Hmargin);
         return $x;

    *@access private
    *@return integer
    function calc_text_position_V () {
        $H_mark = imagefontheight ($this->txt_watermark_font);
        $H = $this->img["y_thumb"];
        switch ($this->txt_watermark_Valing) {
             case 'CENTER':
                 $y = $H/2-$H_mark/2;
             case 'BOTTOM':
                 $y = $H-$H_mark-($this->txt_watermark_Vmargin);
             case 'TOP':
                $y = 0+($this->txt_watermark_Vmargin);
         return $y;

    *@access private
    *@return integer
    function calc_position_H () {
        $W_mark = $this->img["x_watermark"];
        $W = $this->img["x_thumb"];
        switch ($this->img_watermark_Haling) {
             case 'CENTER':
                 $x = $W/2-$W_mark/2;
             case 'RIGHT':
                 $x = $W-$W_mark;
             case 'LEFT':
                $x = 0;
         return $x;

    *@access private
    *@return integer
    function calc_position_V () {
        $H_mark = $this->img["y_watermark"];
        $H = $this->img["y_thumb"];
        switch ($this->img_watermark_Valing) {
             case 'CENTER':
                 $y = $H/2-$H_mark/2;
             case 'BOTTOM':
                 $y = $H-$H_mark;
             case 'TOP':
                $y = 0;
         return $y;

    *@access private
    *@return boolean
    function checkgd2(){
        // TEST the GD version
          if (extension_loaded('gd2') && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
            return false;
          } else {
            return true;

    * Get which version of GD is installed, if any.
    * Returns the version (1 or 2) of the GD extension.
    function gdVersion($user_ver = 0)
       if (! extension_loaded('gd')) { return; }
       static $gd_ver = 0;
       // Just accept the specified setting if it's 1.
       if ($user_ver == 1) { $gd_ver = 1; return 1; }
       // Use the static variable if function was called previously.
       if ($user_ver !=2 && $gd_ver > 0 ) { return $gd_ver; }
       // Use the gd_info() function if possible.
       if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
           $ver_info = gd_info();
           preg_match('/\d/', $ver_info['GD Version'], $match);
           $gd_ver = $match[0];
           return $match[0];
       // If phpinfo() is disabled use a specified / fail-safe choice...
       if (preg_match('/phpinfo/', ini_get('disable_functions'))) {
           if ($user_ver == 2) {
               $gd_ver = 2;
               return 2;
           } else {
               $gd_ver = 1;
               return 1;
       // ...otherwise use phpinfo().
       $info = ob_get_contents();
       $info = stristr($info, 'gd version');
       preg_match('/\d/', $info, $match);
       $gd_ver = $match[0];
       return $match[0];
    } // End gdVersion()

    function imageCopyResampleBicubic($dst_img, $src_img, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h) {
      $scaleX = ($src_w - 1) / $dst_w;
      $scaleY = ($src_h - 1) / $dst_h;
      $scaleX2 = $scaleX / 2.0;
      $scaleY2 = $scaleY / 2.0;
      $tc = imageistruecolor($src_img);

      for ($y = $src_y; $y < $src_y + $dst_h; $y++) {
       $sY  = $y * $scaleY;
       $siY  = (int) $sY;
       $siY2 = (int) $sY + $scaleY2;

       for ($x = $src_x; $x < $src_x + $dst_w; $x++) {
         $sX  = $x * $scaleX;
         $siX  = (int) $sX;
         $siX2 = (int) $sX + $scaleX2;

         if ($tc) {
           $c1 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY2);
           $c2 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY);
           $c3 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY2);
           $c4 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY);

           $r = (($c1 + $c2 + $c3 + $c4) >> 2) & 0xFF0000;
           $g = ((($c1 & 0xFF00) + ($c2 & 0xFF00) + ($c3 & 0xFF00) + ($c4 & 0xFF00)) >> 2) & 0xFF00;
           $b = ((($c1 & 0xFF)  + ($c2 & 0xFF)  + ($c3 & 0xFF)  + ($c4 & 0xFF))  >> 2);

           imagesetpixel($dst_img, $dst_x + $x - $src_x, $dst_y + $y - $src_y, $r+$g+$b);
         }  else {
           $c1 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY2));
           $c2 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY));
           $c3 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY2));
           $c4 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY));

           $r = ($c1['red']  + $c2['red']  + $c3['red']  + $c4['red']  ) << 14;
           $g = ($c1['green'] + $c2['green'] + $c3['green'] + $c4['green']) << 6;
           $b = ($c1['blue']  + $c2['blue']  + $c3['blue']  + $c4['blue'] ) >> 2;

           imagesetpixel($dst_img, $dst_x + $x - $src_x, $dst_y + $y - $src_y, $r+$g+$b);

    *generate a unique filename in a directory like prefix_filename_randon.ext
    *@access public
    *@param string path of the destination dir. Example '/img'
    *@param string name of the file to save. Example 'my_foto.jpg'
    *@param string [optional] prefix of the name Example 'picture'
    *@return string full path of the file to save. Exmaple '/img/picture_my_foto_94949.jpg'
    function unique_filename ( $archive_dir , $filename , $file_prefix='') {
        // checkemaos if file exists
        $extension= strtolower( substr( strrchr($filename, ".") ,1) );

        //  only alfanumerics characters
        $string_tmp = $name;
        while ($string_tmp!='') {
            $character=substr ($string_tmp, 0, 1);
            $string_tmp=substr ($string_tmp, 1);
            if (eregi("[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0-9]", $character)) {
            } else {


        $destination = $file_prefix."_".$name.".".$extension;

        while (file_exists($archive_dir."/".$destination)) {
            // if exist, add a random number to the file name
            srand((double)microtime()*1000000); // random number inizializzation
            $destination = $file_prefix."_".$name."_".rand(0,999999999).".".$extension;

        return ($destination);

        * NOT USED : to do: mezclar imagenes a tamaƱo original, preservar canal alpha y redimensionar
        * Merge multiple images and keep transparency
        * $i is and array of the images to be merged:
        * $i[1] will be overlayed over $i[0]
        * $i[2] will be overlayed over that
        * @param mixed
        * @retrun mixed the function returns the resulting image ready for saving
        function imagemergealpha($i) {

         //create a new image
         $s = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($i[0]),imagesy($i[1]));

         //merge all images
         $z = $i;
         while($d = each($z)) {

         //restore the transparency
         $w = imagesx($s);
         $h = imagesy($s);
         for($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) {
          for($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) {
           $c = imagecolorat($s,$x,$y);
           $c = imagecolorsforindex($s,$c);
           $z = $i;
           $t = 0;
           while($d = each($z)) {
           $ta = imagecolorat($d[1],$x,$y);
           $ta = imagecolorsforindex($d[1],$ta);
           $t += 127-$ta['alpha'];
           $t = ($t > 127) ? 127 : $t;
           $t = 127-$t;
           $c = imagecolorallocatealpha($s,$c['red'],$c['green'],$c['blue'],$t);
         return $s;
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