I've been getting problems with my formula to total the deposit and price. I'm getting and error on this line

$total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status'];

Here's more but only an error with the total.

  $productsql="select * from products where prod_refid='$prod_refid'";
  $resquery = @mysql_query($productsql);

  $pamount = number_format($price_range, 2, '.', '');
  $price_hour = number_format($price_hour, 2, '.', '');
  $price_week = number_format($price_week, 2, '.', '');
  $price_month =number_format($price_month, 2, '.', '');
  //$pamount = number_format(((float)$price_range),2);
  $deposit = number_format($deposit, 2, '.', '');
  $total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status'];
  $cntry_sql=mysql_query("select country,countrycode,country_abbr from country where countryid ='".$prod_country."' and country_status='0'");


            $user_sql=mysql_query("select country,state,city,firstname,lastname,address1,address2,postalcode,companyname,userid from userregister where userid ='".$prod_userid."' and status='1'");

could you post what kind of error it is?

it would be helpful for us to give a solution if you post the error message here

happy coding

$total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status'];

change these to

$total = $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status'];

that and then chek the calculation

The error is gone now.
But now when it's calculating, it only gives me a 7 as an answer
Example: Price:150.00 + Deposit:700.00 = Total:7

Here's my code now...

 <?php if($total += $pamount=$resproduct_fetch['price_status'] * $deposit=$resproduct_fetch['price_status']) echo $resproduct_fetch['total']." ".$total;else echo "0.00";   ?>

i couldn't understand what you are going to do in the given bellow statement

whether you assigning value to some varable or comparing values of 2 variables

if($total += $pamount=$resproduct_fetch['price_status'] * $deposit=$resproduct_fetch['price_status'])

please be more brefly about your requirement

could you explain what you are going to do with that?

put your calculation part outside if condition take all calculation what you wnat in a varibale and then apply them in if condition.

I guess, what I'm trying to do is to fetch the variables from here...

  $productsql="select * from products where prod_refid='$prod_refid'";
  $resquery = @mysql_query($productsql);

  $pamount = number_format($price_range, 2, '.', '');
  $price_hour = number_format($price_hour, 2, '.', '');
  $price_week = number_format($price_week, 2, '.', '');
  $price_month =number_format($price_month, 2, '.', '');
  //$pamount = number_format(((float)$price_range),2);
  $deposit = number_format($deposit, 2, '.', '');
  $cntry_sql=mysql_query("select country,countrycode,country_abbr from country where countryid ='".$prod_country."' and country_status='0'");


            $user_sql=mysql_query("select country,state,city,firstname,lastname,address1,address2,postalcode,companyname,userid from userregister where userid ='".$prod_userid."' and status='1'");

Thank you guys, by the way...
I very much apreciate you helping me ^_^

I got it working :)
Thanks for the ideas...
I did this :)

<?php if($total = $total + $pamount + $deposit) echo $resproduct_fetch['total']." ".$total;else echo "0.00";   ?>

if your problem is solved then mark your question solved

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