I've been getting problems with my formula to total the deposit and price. I'm getting and error on this line
$total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status'];
Here's more but only an error with the total.
$productsql="select * from products where prod_refid='$prod_refid'";
$resquery = @mysql_query($productsql);
$pamount = number_format($price_range, 2, '.', '');
$price_hour = number_format($price_hour, 2, '.', '');
$price_week = number_format($price_week, 2, '.', '');
$price_month =number_format($price_month, 2, '.', '');
//$pamount = number_format(((float)$price_range),2);
$deposit = number_format($deposit, 2, '.', '');
$total += $total + $deposit['deposit'] * $pamount['price_status'];
$cntry_sql=mysql_query("select country,countrycode,country_abbr from country where countryid ='".$prod_country."' and country_status='0'");
$user_sql=mysql_query("select country,state,city,firstname,lastname,address1,address2,postalcode,companyname,userid from userregister where userid ='".$prod_userid."' and status='1'");