include "dbConfig.php";
$sql_query = mysql_query("SELECT SubjectID, SubjectDesc, FROM tbl_subject");
<select name="X" value="X">
<option value="Choose">Choose</option>
while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($sql_query))
{ ; 
<option value="<?php $fetch['SubjectID'];?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $fetch['SubjectID']; ?></option>


include "dbConfig.php";
$Y = $_POST["Y"];
$query="INSERT into tbl_subjectsenrolled(SubjectID) values('".mysql_real_escape_string($Y)."')";

But I cannot INSERT the SubjectID inside tbl_subjectsenrolled..

include "dbConfig.php";
$Y = $_POST["Y"];
$Y = mysql_real_escape_string($Y);
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO (SubjectID) VALUES ('$Y')")or die(mysql_error());
include "dbConfig.php";
$query="INSERT into tbl_subjectsenrolled (SubjectID) values ('".mysql_rel_escape_string($Y)."')"; mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

Still cant INSERT

No error message back?

I had to leave the for a while. If it's not solved when I return, I will take a look at it.


No error message sir..

Insert a temporary debug code. It is simple but it often helps. Test the displayed query in phpmyadmin or post it here.

include "dbConfig.php";
$query="INSERT into tbl_subjectsenrolled (SubjectID) values ('".mysql_rel_escape_string($Y)."')";

// Temp DEBUG code

mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

And, oops, the mysql_real_escape_string function name is misspelled.

the output was..

INSERT into tbl_subjectsenrolled(SubjectID) values('')

what does that mean??

Itmeans that there is no value for the $Y variable which is basicaly the $_POST["Y"] variable. In other words posted data does not exist and the query inserts empty string (which is probably what you do not want). Where is it supposed to come form?

Good practice is to check for for submittion or existence first:

include "dbConfig.php";
if(isset($_POST["Y"])) {
    // you can escape here
    // use escaped value
    $query="INSERT into tbl_subjectsenrolled (SubjectID) values ('$Y')";
    mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
commented: nice one +5

This is now solved sir..This is my approach..

    include "dbConfig.php";
    if (isset($_GET["Y"]))
    $Y = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["Y"]);

    if (isset($_GET["STID"]))

    $STID = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["STID"]);
    if (isset($_GET["A"]))

    $A = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["A"]);
    if (isset($_GET["S"]))
    $S = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["S"]);

    $query =("INSERT into tbl_subjectsenrolled(SubjectID, StudentID, Year, Semester) values('$Y', '$STID', '$A', '$S')"); 
    mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

Since I have to store other data such as Student ID number, academic year and semester.. thank you for your help..

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