All i would like to do is insert an image next to the question. Im sure this is a very easy thing to do. I just cant seem to do it.
any help would be great, thank you

    '<input type="hidden" name="questions[' + n + '][number]" value="' + n + '" />' +
                '<b><u><p>question :' + (n+1) + '</p></u</b><input type="text" name="questions[' + n + '][name]" />' +     
                      '<input type="hidden" name="questions[' + n + '][running]" value="Y" />' + 

Where will execute your code?

I think we need more of your code to get a better picture of what you are trying to do.

Thanks for the reply, here is the whole js file.
I would like to add an image next to the question.
uploads/1image.png is the location of the image file.

function scoreboard_general()
    // handler for our custom form buttons
    $('form span.button.submit').click(function(){


function scoreboard_mark()
    // handler for table row & correct answer highlights
    $('table#entries tbody tr')
        // table row hover: on
        // table row hover: off
        // table row select: highlight and show tick
            if( $(this).is('.selected') ) {
                // deselect row
            else {
                // select row

    // handler for 'select all'
        $('table#entries tbody tr')

    // handler for 'select none'
        $('table#entries tbody tr')

    // handler for matching string
        var keyword = $(this).find('input#quickmark-text').val().toLowerCase()
        if ( keyword.length > 0 )
            $('table#entries tbody tr:has(td.answer)').each(function(){
                var td = $(this).find('td.answer').text().toLowerCase()
                if ( td.indexOf(keyword) != -1 )
        return false


function scoreboard_login()
    $('fieldset#login input#password').focus()

function scoreboard_setup()
    $('form#question-setup fieldset:last input[type="text"]').focus()

    // handler for adding/removing questions
        var n = $('form#question-setup fieldset').size()

        // new question fieldset

        $('form#question-setup fieldset:last')
            .after('<fieldset style="display:none;"><legend>Question ' + (n+1) + '</legend>' +

                '<input type="hidden" name="questions[' + n + '][number]" value="' + n + '" />' +
                '<b><u><p>Question :' + (n+1) + '</p></u</b><input type="text" name="questions[' + n + '][name]" />' +     
                      '<input type="hidden" name="questions[' + n + '][running]" value="Y" />' +                     

'<div class="question-remove" title="Remove this Questiont"></div>' +

        // get newly added fieldset
        var form = $('form#question-setup')
        var fieldset = form.find('fieldset:last')

        // animates new fieldset
        fieldset.slideDown(200, function(){
            // focus new question field

        // handler for removing this question fieldset
            // hide the fieldset
            $(this).parents('fieldset').slideUp(200, function(){
                // remove the fieldset
                // renumber the remaining fieldsets
                    $(this).find('legend').text('Question ' + (i+1))
                        .attr('name', 'questions[' + i + '][number]')
                        .attr('value', i)
                        .attr('name', 'questions[' + i + '][name]')
                        .attr('name', 'questions[' + i + '][running]')
                        .attr('name', 'Question1[' + i + '][number]')
                        .attr('value', i)
                        .attr('name', 'Question1[' + i + '][name]')
                        .attr('name', 'Question1[' + i + '][running]')                      


Any thoughts ?

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