Hi friends

Please help me it is out of my head, I am pussing date and other variables value through url. Some time date is entering correctly in date field and some time entering 000-00-00.

Please help me out.

include '../require.php';


//echo $app_id;
//$rr="select * from 013client where client_id='$app_id'";
//echo $rr;
$er=mysql_query("select * from 013client where client_id='$app_id'");


$rs=mysql_query("insert into 018renewal values('',$prd_type,$prd_id,'$app_id','$date',$total_amount,'paid','$dt_by','$branch',$ins)");

$tr=mysql_query("insert into print_details values('',$prd_type,$prd_id,'$app_id','cash','$branch','$recpt_no','$dt_by','$date','mipvoucher')");
$tr=mysql_query("insert into print_details values('',$prd_type,$prd_id,'$app_id','cash','$branch','$recpt_no','$dt_by','$date','renewal')");

If you get 0000-00-00 it means it was either not set, or invalid. You'll have to make sure the format is 'yyyy-mm-dd'

insert into 018renewal values('',2,25,'100404','2013-2-30',300,'paid','2013-2-30','HEAD_OFFICE',5)

check this i think it is

check your $date variable is it having any value

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