
I am trying to create toggle buttons for a page with profiles in. I have around 60 buttons on the page and want to try not to define the click function 60 times:




   $("p").css({display: "none"});

So I was trying to do a for each loop with JQuery so that I would only have to declare it once for all the buttons but I can't get it to work (please note JQuery is stored on the server and so I do not need to reference the google libraries within the code I am displaying and I have got the buttons above to work fine).

So below is the code that I am trying to do this with but I am not sure how to use the .each(function() which I saw on the JQuery website with what I am trying to do below:

<script type="text/javascript">

for each (i = 1; i < i.length; i++;) 
    for each(j = 1; j < j.length; j++;) 
<button style="position: relative; float: right; top: -45px;" class="button1">Show more/hide</button>
<p class="1">
my text here

<button style="position: relative; float: right; top: -45px;" class="button2">Show more/hide</button>
<p class="2">
my text here

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for stbuchok

This looks like it is to show and hide section of a page. If so look at the following (completely untested, just going by memory of what I've done in the past):

    $('#wrapper').on('click, '[data-showhideid]', function(){
        $('#' + $(this).attr('data-showhideid')).toggle();


<div id="wrapper">
    <button data-showhideid="div1">Show/Hide Div1</button>
    <div id="div1">Div1 showing</div>

    <button data-showhideid="div2">Show/Hide Div2</button>
    <div id="div2">Div2 showing</div>

    <button data-showhideid="div3">Show/Hide Div3</button>
    <div id="div3">Div3 showing</div>

    <button data-showhideid="div4">Show/Hide Div4</button>
    <div id="div4">Div4 showing</div>

Hope it helps. If you need an explanation, let me know.

commented: Nice usage of the data attribute! +5

I agree with using .on() instead of .each(). Just a note, data- attributes are HTML5, so if you are writing your page in XHTML for some reason, it will be invalid markup.

Hi stbuchok,

Your memory is good :-) I had to make a slight tweek to what you gave me to get it to work.
This is going to be very useful for me, thank you for your help.

Something which I am not fully understanding though is the data-showhideid. It looks like defining an array in the JQuery code but what is it in the context of the HTML? It looks to me like each of the data-showhideid ="div1" is like array[0] = "div1"; array[1]="div2"; etc but I am not sure.

I am going to post the code which I have got to work based on your previous post so that people can use it in future as I think it is quite handy.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
 <script src="jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>


<div id="wrapper">
    <button data-showhideid="div1">Show/Hide Div1</button>
    <div id="div1">Div1 showing</div>
    <button data-showhideid="div2">Show/Hide Div2</button>
    <div id="div2">Div2 showing</div>
    <button data-showhideid="div3">Show/Hide Div3</button>
    <div id="div3">Div3 showing</div>
    <button data-showhideid="div4">Show/Hide Div4</button>
    <div id="div4">Div4 showing</div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    '[data-showhideid]', function(){
    $('#' + $(this).attr('data-showhideid')).toggle();

Now you don't have to have the scripting in the body, I do it like that because of specific needs at work, but it can easily be done in the head tag.


I just read EvolutionFallen's post and looked into the data-attribute a bit more to understand it. It is really handy. So I am setting this to resolved. Thanks both of you :-)

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