Please help. I can't get my calendar to automatically get the current date.

I'm not sure where the problem is so I'll post the whole script.
Here it is.


        var availableTags = [
        $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
            source: availableTags

        // Hover states on the static widgets
        $( "#dialog-link, #icons li" ).hover(
            function() {
                $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-hover" );
            function() {
                $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );

    var initLayout = function() {
        var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
        var currentTab = $('ul.navigationTabs a')
                            .bind('click', showTab)
                            .filter('a[rel=' + hash + ']');
        if (currentTab.size() == 0) {
            currentTab = $('ul.navigationTabs a:first');
            flat: true,
            date: '2008-07-31',
            current: '2008-07-31',
            calendars: 1,
            starts: 1,
            view: 'years'
        var now = new Date();
        var now2 = new Date();
            flat: true,
            date: ['2008-07-31', '2008-07-28'],
            current: '2008-07-31',
            format: 'Y-m-d',
            calendars: 1,
            mode: 'multiple',
            onRender: function(date) {
                return {
                    disabled: (date.valueOf() < now.valueOf()),
                    className: date.valueOf() == now2.valueOf() ? 'datepickerSpecial' : false
            onChange: function(formated, dates) {
            starts: 0
        $('#clearSelection').bind('click', function(){
            return false;
            flat: true,
            date: ['2009-12-28','2010-01-23'],
            current: '2010-01-01',
            calendars: 3,
            mode: 'range',
            starts: 1
            date: $('#inputDate').val(),
            current: $('#inputDate').val(),
            starts: 1,
            position: 'right',
            onBeforeShow: function(){
                $('#inputDate').DatePickerSetDate($('#inputDate').val(), true);
            onChange: function(formated, dates){
                if ($('#closeOnSelect input').attr('checked')) {
        var now3 = new Date();
        var now4 = new Date()
            flat: true,
            format: 'd B, Y',
            date: [new Date(now3), new Date(now4)],
            calendars: 3,
            mode: 'range',
            starts: 1,
            onChange: function(formated) {
                $('#widgetField span').get(0).innerHTML = formated.join(' &divide; ');

        var state = false;
        $('#widgetField>a').bind('click', function(){
            $('#widgetCalendar').stop().animate({height: state ? 0 : $('#widgetCalendar div.datepicker').get(0).offsetHeight}, 500);
            state = !state;
            return false;
        $('#widgetCalendar div.datepicker').css('position', 'absolute');

    var showTab = function(e) {
        var tabIndex = $('ul.navigationTabs a')

    EYE.register(initLayout, 'init');

So I mix this

var now3 = new Date();
        var now4 = new Date()
            flat: true,
            format: 'd B, Y',
            date: [new Date(now3), new Date(now4)],
            calendars: 3,
            mode: 'range',
            starts: 1,
            onChange: function(formated) {
                $('#widgetField span').get(0).innerHTML = formated.join(' &divide; ');



With this?

$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({dateFormat:"dd M yy"}).datepicker("setDate",new Date());

Still can't get it to work... It's getting frustrating.. -_-

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