is it possible to show alert box when mouse is on start button or on task bar or on menu bar means other place except website if any one have any idea about this plz reply me my client want this functionality in exam website

Do you want handle mouseover click along a elements to browser?

You can show pop-up message in to the particular area by adding some script. Whenever mouse point come to it message will display...

Well I assume you need a little script help here on how to do this.

Firstly you have to specify an Id for that html element that you want to give the pop alert box.

Let assume it is a button element. please check the code below.

<input type="button" id="button" value="Click me"/>

//This line below would import your jquery library
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function (){

    $("#button").mouseover(function (){

        alert('You have place a mouse over me now !!!!');



I hope this script would help you. Please if you need more clarification. ask questions

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is it possible to show alert box when mouse is on start button or on task bar or on menu bar means other place except website if any one have any idea about this plz reply me my client want this functionality in exam website

The question you ask is irrelevant. You are talking about a window start button and the task bar on a system. You can post this question in the software section because the window system is a software.

Unless your exam website is a demo website that has a demo window system. Then yes it will show an alert box because it's on the website.

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