i want to know whether can i configure visual studio web developer 2010 express edition to work with apache web server instead of ISS?

thanks for the reply and tool you suggested is really helpful.However i want to know can i use apache web server with visual studio 2010 express IDE or not?

You mean like integrated debugging? I'm not sure that that works.

I dont believe so either.

However i want to know can i use apache web server with visual studio 2010 express IDE or not?

You can develop your site using Visual Studio... or course.. why not? Eventually you'll want to run your asp.net site in production I assume. To run on Apache, refer to Pritaeas' link above.


IIS is a web server that runs on Windows only, whereas Apache is a cross-platform server that will work on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and various flavors of UNIX. Though you can make either of these servers work with pretty much any web technology (ASP.NET, PHP, Python) there are some natural pairings that you'll find are pretty common.

If you're working with ASP.NET, IIS is the natural fit since both are Microsoft products. Learning how to work with it will help you if you were to start placing your applications on IIS servers later on.

PHP and Python are more naturally paired with Apache. XAMPP, for example, already comes with PHP configured to work on Apache. (LAMP, WAMP and MAMP are other editions of this on various platforms.

Hope my post will be helpful to you...


Its a nice topic and dreamztechUSA LLC want to join in this as we are well experienced in it and so far we have developed almost 50 such projects.

Try the Mod.Mono instead of mod_aspdotnet:


This handles ASP.NET 4.0 (With the exception of EntityFramework).

See the compatibility for more information on what Mono is compatible with.

The Mono project is the authoritative project for running .NET code on non-Microsoft platforms. You can read up on it here:

ASP.NET - Mono

And More specifically here:

Mod mono - Mono

Thanks & regards,

Greg Christofolo


ASP.NET more comfortable with IIS server because of security reason and both products of microsoft.

What OS are you using?

I used IIS for my ASP.NET app, but I am using Apache for my XBAP application, so it should be possible indeed.

i am using window 7 ultimate though i am working with express edition of visual studio 2010.

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