hey all
i need ur help

i have a database, and a table with report column. in this column, i storing data and i can change the bold, colored and aligned the text using a toolbar, like the toolbar here when u want to put a thread.

all that is working, but the problem is i am using crystal report so i want to see the reports. the reports is saved with some code which makes the bold and colored. i want to see only the text in the crystal report.

here is example of report saved in database:
<PRE>this is example</PRE>

i want to see in crystal report only: this is example
so i am using the convert method in sql, to convert from ntext to nvarchar, but nothing is happened.
this is the sql command:
select convert(nvarchar(4000), report) from report_table

what i can do to see only the text?


hey all
i need ur help

i have a database, and a table with report column. in this column, i storing data and i can change the bold, colored and aligned the text using a toolbar, like the toolbar here when u want to put a thread.

all that is working, but the problem is i am using crystal report so i want to see the reports. the reports is saved with some code which makes the bold and colored. i want to see only the text in the crystal report.

here is example of report saved in database:
<PRE>this is example</PRE>

i want to see in crystal report only: this is example
so i am using the convert method in sql, to convert from ntext to nvarchar, but nothing is happened.
this is the sql command:
select convert(nvarchar(4000), report) from report_table

what i can do to see only the text?


What are you coding this work in? ASP.NET? 1.1 , 2.0 ? Visual Basic / C-Sharp, C++ ?

Unsderstanding your example, their is a little more involved in "stripping" a crystal report, than a convert statment in SQL.

I am still a little unclear what you are trying to accomplish...for that I apologize.:sad:

What are you coding this work in? ASP.NET? 1.1 , 2.0 ? Visual Basic / C-Sharp, C++ ?

Unsderstanding your example, their is a little more involved in "stripping" a crystal report, than a convert statment in SQL.

I am still a little unclear what you are trying to accomplish...for that I apologize.:sad:

yes i am using asp.net and vb.net as code.

as i said before, i want only to retrive in my crystal report, the text of the report column, not with the bold, colored or any additional code.

ex: in row 10, i have this text:
sam saved in database

in crystal report, i want only to see, sam without the bold code.

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