
i need help here...., i try to insert my data into mysql, but every time when i insert data into my database, its insert two record in one time, 1 row is the data that i insert and another row is empty, just the auto increment column have filled, can someone help me??

this is my code for php and sql:

      function date2mysql($year, $month, $day) {return checkdate($month, $day, $year) ? "$year-$month-$day" :false;}
        $date = date2mysql($_POST['year'], $_POST['month'], $_POST['day']);
        if (!$date) {$error = 'Invalid date';}

        // Check connection
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()){echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();}

        $sql="INSERT INTO aduan (Jenis_Aset, Keterangan_Aset, No_Siri_Pendaftaran, Pengguna_Terakhir, Tarikh_Kerosakan, Perihal_Kerosakan, Nama, Ic, Syor_Pegawai_Aset, Lokasi)VALUES('$_POST[Jenis]','$_POST[Keterangan]','$_POST[Pendaftaran]','$_POST[Pengguna]','$date','$_POST[Perihal]','$_POST[Nama]','$_POST[Ic]','$_POST[Bahagian]','$_POST[Lokasi2]')";

        if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql)){die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));}
        echo "1 record added";


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Perhaps the insert is called when there is no posted form data. Check your logic.

What do you mean pritaeas??

after define query, you must execute that query.
mysql_query($sql) or

Then data will be stored in database.

also check array: $_POST
when submit it empty or not empty

Member Avatar for diafol

You can't do this. You either need to concatenate your array vars into a string with (.) or use braces:


But even this is bad as you haven't cleaned your vars- you're open to sql injections. mysqli has parametised queries, which allows you to get away with escaping - have a look.

i already found the problem, my sql code run everytime page is loaded, thats why 1 row empty, because after page is loaded, the form is empty, so i try to make 'if else' like this for sql connection,

if ($_POST['Pendaftaran']) {$con=mysqli_connect("localhost","hazuan","hazuan","e-maintenance");}

that's mean, after this $_POST['Pendaftaran'] is submit and already have data, the connection will run.
Thank You friend, for helping me..

Member Avatar for diafol

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