I want to create a form that our Certified Trainer has to fill out when he goes out into the field to certify a system. This form asks him to specify:
(Dropdown menus; Options seperated by commas)
1) Type of metal: Aluminum, Steel
2) Type of application: Roof, Parapet, Footpath
3) Number of users: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
When the user submits this information, another form must open up based on what information was inputed above.
For Eg. (If Aluminum was chozen, if Roof was chozen, if 2 users were chozen) then the form generates as follows:
1) Inspect the Aluminum system for rust, damage and deformation. Comments:____________________
2) Specify the Length of Roof. ____ ft. Specify the Width of Roof. _____ft.
3) User 1: _________. User 2: _________.
I hope I've explained exactly what I am trying to achieve here.
I'm trying to pass data to another form that is generated based on the choices of the main form. I've searched everywhere for this but cannot quite get to anything specific.
Is there a software that I use such as Infopath, Access, etc.. or can this be accomplished through php, xml, etc.. I'm quite confused.
I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on this one. Thanks is advance for your help.