I have two forms the first one is as follows: 5364b88b6acff4f96bf8734c448984c4
In the first one, I enter the customer details and the type of house he wants, and the number of rooms he has, and I have set a session once I hit the next button. This is spanning over two tables(storing the entered info as in client details in one, and ), one table I take a reference id for my session and the customer details, and the other for storing number of rooms. The first form when I enter the number of rooms required, I can get the following form next, ie after clicking the next button. The second form is as follows, that I get after clicking next.

My question here is, I can take in for 1 value of each of the room types entered. What I need help is, when I enter the number two in say living room, in the first form. In the next form, I need to get the two of the category living room. And the same for any room, the number I enter in the first form should be duplicated in the second form, and the subcategories under them, and the sub sub categories under them. This being said, the database tables I have for the first, and the second are completely unrelated. I have gotten the rooms in a loop in the view file of the first form in this way from the room table in the database.

 <?php foreach($roomtype as $co){
                            <li class="clearfix">

                                <div class="leftLabelName"><?php echo "No.of ".$co['interior_room_desc']?></div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input class="required" type="text" name="roomType[<?php echo $co['interior_room_id']?>]" id="txtChar" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" /></div>
                            </li> <?php } ?>

Now the category table I have has the first 9 rows matching the first 9 rows in the room table. I have utilised the category table in the second form. How do I relate the first and the second? As you can see below, the first 9 values are matching, but the rest are not. And I have used the category table in the second form. Suggest me an approach or an example as to how to approach, as the tables are not related except for the first 9, and I need those 9 only. The tables are as follows:


Hello, please provide the queries you're trying to perform, table structures and an example of data, at the moment (at least for me) it's difficult to understand the issue.

I think the trouble is in your database design:

the tables are not related

And yet they are. Put a foreign key(category_id) to table1 into table2.
If you have 2 living rooms you have 2 rows in table2.
Than do somthing like this

SELECT table1.interior_category_desc, table2.* FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.interior_category_id=table2.category_id 

You can't use table2.interior_room_desc for this because you can have multiple category's with the same interior_category_desc (probaly from diverend houses)
also notis that you can use the table1.interior_category_desc making table2.interior_room_desc redundant.

nice little artical about database normalization

Sorry for the poor explaining done. What I wanted was, say,
1. there are different types of houses, and in the houses there must be different types of rooms(which I have shown in the form 1).
2. The user enters his details, and when he does, he goes to the dropdown and chooses the type of house, and enters the relevant fields(as in if he has living rooms, he enters how many living rooms he has, and what all rooms he has).
3. This when he clicks next(I set a session for the next button, as in if he clicks next, the details are all taken in a session with a session id). The next page is where what rooms he has chosen appear, so that he can customise as per his needs, as shown in form 2.

What I have done so far is:
1. The first page details entered is stored in two tables which have structures as follows:

In the first table, the details are stored in one record per user. The session id is set, and the records stored come under one reference id, until I unset the session in the last, i.e. in the form 2, when I click on 'other rooms', the last customisation form comes, and then submit. On clicking submit, the session is unset. I have managed to store the selections as in each time on the left pane, has an ajax save selection. As in the checkboxes once selected, are held. So that if I click in the second form, and select a subcategory in the checkbox form, then I click next, it goes to the next roomtype to customise, and if I should click previous the values are held. I have managed to push the data all at once, after holding through ajax throughout the session, and once I click submit, the session is unset.

So, it's just static, and when I enter say for example '2' in the no of living rooms in the first form. I want the living room to be repeated twice in the second form, as in, I am able to customise for one room at a time of each type that is mentioned. In other words, if a user has 3 bedrooms, and enters 3 in the bedroom fields, then only one field is there in the left pane of the second form. I want how many ever rooms of each type I enter to repopulate in the second form to customise. Like 3 bedrooms, meaning 3 times it should show up in the second form.

I have other tables in for categories, subcategories, groups, and items, I'm not sure which part you want to see? I'm a bit new to codeigniter so please bear with me.

@pzuurveen I'm not sure by what you mean by this

if you have 2 living rooms you have 2 rows in table2.

I have shown the other two tables on the previous post. The foreign key is a nice idea, but I need to know after getting them to link, where, and what I must do? I'm sorry, but I'm confused.

Here is the function, and it works.

public function categoryroom()
$query= $this->db->query("SELECT category.interior_category_desc, rooms.* FROM category, rooms WHERE category.interior_category_id=rooms.interior_room_id")->result_array(); 
echo '<pre>';    print_r($query);

I'm not sure what you are asking.
Please post more code

The two functions relating in controller file are as follows, i.e. these I use to post. Or do I post the ajax selection function as well?

public function visualise()
       if ($this->session->userdata('transClintid'))
        if ($this->input->post()) {
            // Image Upload Start
            $config['upload_path']   = './images/category_images/';
            $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
            $config['max_size']      = '2048';
            $config['encrypt_name']  = TRUE;
            $this->load->library('upload', $config);
            if (!$this->upload->do_upload('image')) {
                $this->session->set_flashdata('error', $this->upload->display_errors() . '(Upload Image)');

            $image_details = $this->upload->data();
            $this->load->library('upload', $config);
            // Image Upload End

            $roomTypes = $this->input->post('roomType');

            //print_r($roomTypes); exit;
            $clientData = array(
                'interior_client_name' => $this->input->post('clientName'),
                'Interior_client_email' => $this->input->post('Email'),
                'interior_client_mobile' => $this->input->post('Mobile'),
                'interior_house_id' => $this->input->post('House'),
                'Interiror_client_carpet_area' => $this->input->post('txtChar'),
                'interior_client_status' => 1,
                'Interior_client_trans_datetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                'interior_client_house_plan' => $image_details['file_name']
            //$userData = $this->session->set_userdata($clientData);
            $transClintid = $this->think_model->insert_clientinfo($clientData);
            $this->session->set_userdata('transClintid', $transClintid);

            //echo '<pre>'; print_r($roomTypes); exit;

            foreach ($roomTypes as $key => $roomType)
                if ($roomType) {
                    $clientData = array(
                        'interior_client_trans_ref_id' => $transClintid,
                        'interior_client_trans_no_room_id' => $key,
                        'interior_house_no_rooms' => $roomType,
                        'interior_client_trans_status' => 1
                    //$this->visualize($catID = 2,$transClintid);

        $data['currentCategoryID'] = '';
        $data['categories']        = $this->think_model->visualizeCategories();
        $data['houseType']         = $this->think_model->get_house();
        $data['roomtype']          = $this->think_model->get_room();
        $data['body_content']      = 'think/visualize_start';
        $data['currentPage']  = 'visualise';
        $data['testimonials']      = $this->admin_model->testimonials();
        $this->load->view('template/site', $data);

    public function visualize($catID = 0)
    //  $id = $this->session->userdata('transClintid');
//print_r($id); exit;

        if (!$this->session->userdata('transClintid'))

        if ($catID == 0)
            $catID = $this->think_model->firstCategory();

        if ($this->input->post()) {

            $items = $this->input->post('Item');
            foreach ($items as $key => $val) {

                $group  = $this->think_model->get_group($key);
                $subCat = $this->think_model->get_subCat($group->Interior_cat_group_id);
                //$transClintid = $this->think_model->insert_clientinfo();

                $clientData = array(
                    'interior_client_trans_ref_id' => $this->session->userdata('transClintid'),
                    'interior_client_group_item_id' => $group->Interior_cat_group_id,
                    'interior_category_id' => $catID,
                    'interior_cat_group_id' => $subCat->Interior_parent_category_id,
                    'interior_client_trans_no_item_id' => $key,
                    'interior_client_trans_status' => 1



        $data['selectedItems'] = $this->session->userdata('itemIds-' . $catID);
        if (!$data['selectedItems'])
            $data['selectedItems'] = array();
        $data['lastCategoryID']    = $this->think_model->lastCategory();
        $data['firstCategoryID']   = $this->think_model->firstCategory();
        $data['currentCategoryID'] = $catID;
        $data['categories']        = $this->think_model->visualizeCategories();
        $data['categoryInfo']      = $this->think_model->visualizeCategory($catID);
        $data['subCategories']     = $this->think_model->visualizeSubCategories($catID);
        /*echo "<pre>";
        $data['body_content']      = 'think/visualize';
        $data['currentPage']       = 'visualise';
        $data['testimonials']      = $this->admin_model->testimonials();
        $this->load->view('template/site', $data);
        //$str = strtolower($str)

These are in the model as as follows:

function visualizeCategories(){

        $this->db->where(array('Interior_category_level' => 0, 'Interior_category_status' => 1));
        $result = $this->db->get('category');   
        if($result->num_rows() > 0)
            return $result->result();
        else return false;

    function visualizeCategory($catID){

        $this->db->where(array('Interior_category_id' => $catID));
        $result = $this->db->get('category');   
        if($result->num_rows() == 1)
            return $result->row();
        else return false;

    function visualizeSubCategories($catID){

        $this->db->where(array('Interior_category_status' => 1, 'Interior_parent_category_id' => $catID));
        $result = $this->db->get('category');   
        if($result->num_rows() > 0)
            return $result->result();
        else return false;
     function visualizeGroupItems($catID){

         $this->db->where(array('Interior_group_item_status' => 1, 'Interior_cat_group_id' => $catID));
         $result = $this->db->get('group_item');
         if($result->num_rows() > 0)
            return $result->result();
        else return false;

I can enter each at a time without any problem, like regardless of the number of rooms, each room type is shown in the second form. I just want a repetition of the same category in the second form, when I enter the number of 'room type' as 2 or 3 or any other number than 1. Like if I enter 3 living rooms in first form, the second form should have living room thrice with the corresponding subcategories and sub sub categories.

the view files are as follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>js/jquery.validate.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
* { font-family: Verdana;  }
label { width: 10em; float: left; }
label.error { float: none; color: red; padding-left: .5em; vertical-align: top; }
p { clear: both; }
.submit { margin-left: 12em; }
em { font-weight: bold; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top; }
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
       function isNumberKey(evt)
          var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode;
          if (charCode = 46 && charCode > 31 
            && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
             return false;

          return true;
    <SCRIPT language=Javascript>
    function image()
    var fileInput = document.getElementById("myfileinput").files[0];
    if (fileInput.type.match('image/jpeg') || fileInput.type.match('image/png'))  
  //I not thinking to use if(xx || xx)
  //prefer using var mimeType = jpg,png  many tries but not work


  rules: {
    pass: "required",
   cpass: {

<script type="text/javascript">
        var catID = $(this).val();
            url:"<?php echo site_url(); ?>admin/getSubCategories/" + catID,


<!-- Body Wrapper Start -->
        <div class="bodyWrapper">
            <!-- Inner Page Heading Wrapper Start -->
            <div class="innerPageHeadingWrapper clearfix">
                <div class="visualizeIcpon"></div>
                <div class="contactLabel">Visualize</div>
            </div><!-- Inner Page Heading Wrapper End -->
            <!-- Contact Wrapper start -->
            <div class="contactWrapper">
                <!-- Visualize Left Menu Wrapper Start -->

                <!-- Visualize Left Menu Wrapper End -->
               <form id="formID" class="formular" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <!-- Visualize Right Menu Wrapper Start -->
                <div class="visualizeRightWrapper rounded">

                    <!-- Start Content Start -->
                    <div class="visualizeContent" style="display:block;" id="start">

                            <li class="heading">Client Details</li>
                            <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">Name</div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input type="text" name="clientName" class="required"/></div>
                            <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">Email ID</div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input type="text" name="Email" class="email required"/></div>
                            <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">Contact Number</div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input type="text" name="Mobile" class="required"  onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" minlength=10 maxlength=11 /></div>
                            <li class="heading">
                                Basic Details
                            <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">House Type</div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent">
                                    <select name="House" id="category" class="required">
                                        <option value="">Please Select</option>
                                        <?php foreach($houseType as $co){ ?>
          <option value="<?php echo $co['interior_house_id'];?>"><?php echo $co['interior_house_desc'];?></option> <?php } ?>

                            <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName"><strong>Carpet Area</strong></div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><INPUT id="txtChar" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" 
           type="text" name="txtChar"/></div>

                            <?php foreach($roomtype as $co){
                            <li class="clearfix">

                                <div class="leftLabelName"><?php echo "No.of ".$co['interior_room_desc']?></div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input class="required" type="text" name="roomType[<?php echo $co['interior_room_id']?>]" id="txtChar" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" /></div>
                            </li> <?php } ?>
                           <!-- <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">Other Rooms</div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input type="text" /></div>
                            </li> -->
                            <li class="clearfix">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">Floor Plan <small style="color:#A4A3A3;">(jpg/png/gif Max 2MB)</small></div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">:</div>
                                <div class="RightContent"><input type="file"  name="image"  class="image" id="myfileinput" data-type='image'  /></div>
                            <li class="clearfix nextPrev displayNone">
                                <div class="leftLabelName">&nbsp;</div>
                                <div class="middleDivider">&nbsp;</div>
                                <div class="RightContent">
                                    <input type="submit" class="previous" value="Previous" />
                                    <input type="submit" class="next" value="Next" />
                    </div><!-- Start Content End -->

                    <!-- Submit Button Start -->
                    <div class="submitButton">
                        <input type="submit" class="next" value="Next" />
                        <!--<input type="button" value="Cancel" />-->
                    </div><!-- Submit Button End -->

                </div><!-- Visualize Right Menu Wrapper End -->
                         </div><!-- Contact Wrapper End -->
        </div><!-- Body Wrapper End -->
    </div><!-- Container End -->


<style type="text/css">
.mainWrapper li:hover{
.slideshow {
    margin:-43px 0px 0px 89px;

.slideshow IMG {

.slideshow IMG.active {

.slideshow IMG.last-active {
<script type="text/javascript">


    // Toggle Sub Div
    $('.AnswerLabel > .AnswerLabelOuter > .Pluse').click(function(e){

        if($(this).children("a").html() == "+"){
        } else {
//Check Box Selected
$('span.AnswerLabelOuter > span.CheckBox input[type=checkbox]').click(function(){
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
//console.log("is checked");
var checkboxParent = $(this).parent();
var subParent = checkboxParent.parent();
var HtmlChange = subParent.children('span.Pluse');
} else {
//console.log("not checked");
var checkboxParent = $(this).parent();
var subParent = checkboxParent.parent();
var HtmlChange = subParent.children('span.Pluse');


        var itemIds = [];



        //if(itemIds.length != 0)
            type: 'POST',
            url: '<?php echo site_url(); ?>ajax_saveSelections/' + $(this).attr('rel'),
            async: false,
            cache : false,
            data: {
                'item_ids': itemIds,
                'currentCategoryID': $('#CatID').val()
            success: function(data){
                    window.location.replace("<?php echo site_url(); ?>visualize/" + data);
                    window.location.replace("<?php echo site_url(); ?>");



        if($(".itemIds") ) {
            $("#select").attr("checked", "checked");
        } else {


        <!-- Body Wrapper Start -->
        <div class="bodyWrapper">
            <!-- Inner Page Heading Wrapper Start -->
            <div class="innerPageHeadingWrapper clearfix">
                <div class="visualizeIcpon"></div>
                <div class="contactLabel">Visualize</div>
            </div><!-- Inner Page Heading Wrapper End -->
            <!-- Contact Wrapper start -->
            <div class="contactWrapper">
                <!-- Visualize Left Menu Wrapper Start -->
                <?php include('inc/left_menu.php'); ?>
                <!-- Visualize Left Menu Wrapper End -->

                <!-- Visualize Right Menu Wrapper Start -->
                <div class="visualizeRightWrapper rounded">
                    <script type="text/javascript">

                        $('.Question').click(function() {




                         <div id="QuestionAnswerOuter">
                         <?php if($subCategories) foreach($subCategories as $subCategory){ 
                             $subSubCategories = $this->think_model->visualizeSubCategories($subCategory->Interior_category_id);
                        <div class="Question"><?php echo $subCategory->Interior_category_desc; ?></div>
                        <div class="Answer">

                                    <?php $li = 0;$result=count($subSubCategories); if($subSubCategories) foreach($subSubCategories as $subSubCategory){ 

                                        if($li%3 == 0) echo "<li>";
                                         $groupItems = $this->think_model->visualizeGroupItems($subSubCategory->Interior_category_id);
                                         //echo $li;
                                    <div class="AnswerLabel">
                                    <span class="AnswerLabelOuter">
                                            <span class="CheckBox"><input type="Checkbox" id="select" /></span>
                                            <span class="Label"><?php  echo $subSubCategory->Interior_category_desc; 
                                            //$this->db->delete('category', array('Interior_category_id' => $subSubCategory->Interior_category_id));

                                            <span class="Pluse"><a href="#" class="Select">+</a></span>

                                        <div class="SubCategoryOuter mainWrapper">

                                                <?php if($groupItems) foreach($groupItems as $groupItem){   ?>

                                                    <span class="CheckBox"><input <?php if(in_array($groupItem->Interior_group_item_id, $selectedItems)) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> value="<?php echo $groupItem->Interior_group_item_id ;?>" class="itemIds" type="checkbox" name="Item"/></span>

                                                    <span class="Label"><?php echo $groupItem->Interior_group_item_desc; ?></span>
                                                     <div class="slideWrapper slideshow" id="imageID_<?php echo $groupItem->Interior_group_item_id; ?>" >
                                                     <img src="<?php echo base_url().'images/category_images/'.$groupItem->Interor_group_item_image; ?>" width="80" height="80" alt="" class="active" title="Image1" />
                                                     <?php /*?><img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/201/" width="80" height="80" alt="" title="Image2" />
                                                     <img src="http://lorempixel.com/401/202/" width="80" height="80" alt="" title="Image3" /><?php */?>

                                                <?php } ?>

                                    if($li%3 == 0||$li%$result==0) echo "</li>";
                                        //if($result == $li) echo "</li>";
                                        //elseif(($li%3) == 0) echo "</li><li>";
                                     } ?>
                                <?php } ?>
                </div><!-- Visualize Right Menu Wrapper End -->
                <!-- Submit Button Start -->
                <div class="submitButton">
                    <input rel='next' class="nextButton" type="button" value="<?php echo ($lastCategoryID == $currentCategoryID)?'Submit':'Next'; ?>" />
                    <?php if($firstCategoryID != $currentCategoryID){ ?>
                    <input rel='prev' class="nextButton" type="button" value="Previous" />
                    <?php } ?>
                </div><!-- Submit Button End -->
            </div><!-- Contact Wrapper End -->
        </div><!-- Body Wrapper End -->
    </div><!-- Container End -->
   <script type="text/javascript">
    function slideSwitch(testID) {
        var $active = $('#'+testID + ' IMG.active');
        if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#'+testID + 'IMG:last');
        var $next =  $active.next().length ? $active.next()
             : $('#'+testID + ' IMG:first');
        $next.css({opacity: 0.0})
            .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {
                $active.removeClass('active last-active');
    var clrint=null;
        $('.mainWrapper li span.Label').hover(
            var testID = $(this).next('div').show().attr('id');
            $(function() {
                clrint=setInterval( function(){slideSwitch(testID)}, 1000 );


<div class="visualizeLeftMenuWrapper">
<div class="leftMenu rounded">
<input type="hidden" id="CatID" name="currentCategoryID" value="<?php echo $currentCategoryID; ?>" />
<?php if($categories) foreach($categories as $category){ ?>
<li><a href="<?php echo site_url(); ?>visualize/<?php echo $category->Interior_category_id; ?>" <?php if($category->Interior_category_id == $currentCategoryID) echo "class='active'"; ?> rel="start"><?php echo $category->Interior_category_desc; ?></a></li> 
<?php } ?>

Please post more code

be carefull what your asking, you might get it :-)
this will take some reading.....

Sorry, I actually didn't know which bits or snippets to post, as I feel that all the functions I posted are relevant.

This is codeIgniter code. I'm unfamiliar to codeIgniter so I cant help you.

Bump! Someone please help me on this?

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