I have a form with several inputs. One has a sub-input based on the condition of the original input. An example is:

<input onChange="javascript:addRow()"/>

The JS function works.

function addRow() {
   Dynamic HTML code ...

However, if the original input is modified a second time, the JS function executes again and adds the dynamic code a second time. I don't want that. If the user needs to change the original input a second time I want to the function to fail to execute on that second or subsequent time.

Does anyone have experience with how to ensure that a JS function is executed only once per page load?

The straightforward methods of using a boolean are not working for me.

function addRow() {
if (alreadyAdded == 'true') {
   Dynamic HTML code ...

Thanks in advance.

Hi Nathaniel10,

I have a form with several inputs. One has a sub-input based on the condition of the original input. [...] If the user needs to change the original input a second time I want to the function to fail to execute on that second or subsequent time.

The ways I can think of handling this include using global variables, element properties, or removing the event listener after it runs once.

When I know what will be in the page, I tend to use the elements' properties as signals to myself of their states.

For example, I might try something like this:


  #model {

    display: none;




  window.onload = start;

  function start () {

    document.getElementById ( "make" ).onchange = showModels;


  function showModels () {

    var model = document.getElementById ( "model" );

    // If the input doesn't exist or we've already modified it,
    // then don't run the code.

    if ( ! model || model.style.block == "block" )


    // Make it visible

    model.style.display = "block";

    // Dynamic HTML code ... Update input ... etc.



<form name="carSearchForm">

  <input name="make" id="make" />

  <input name="model" id="model" />


You'll notice that I used the CSS properties to know what's going on; that's for convenience. Depending on your perspective, a further improvement might be to swap and detect CSS classes instead.

I hope this helps,

Hi pikpik,

Thanks for your reply. I needed something far simpler than what you suggested. I found that you are correct in using a global variable. I was able to achieve what I wanted with the following code.

alreadyAdded = 1;
function addRow() {
  if (alreadyAdded == 1) {
    Dynamic HTML code ... 

After the original input is changed, the count variable is increased, and the function does not execute again until the page is reloaded. I don't think this is an elegant solution - the use of global variables is supposed to be avoided - but it works and it is simple.

Hi Nathaniel10,

You're welcome. I'm glad you found something simpler; I think simpler is usually better.

Yes, I agree about avoiding global variables. But as long as the pros outweigh the cons, using them is not a bad idea. :)

Although, if you find yourself needing to manage this for multiple form elements, then it could be useful to store these sorts of status variables in a single global object. That would just be to keep the global namespace a little cleaner. For example:

window.usedFormElements = {
  elementA: 1,
  elementB: 1,
  elementN: 1

function addRowA() {
  if (usedFormElements.elementA == 1) {
    Dynamic HTML code ... 

Just an idea.

Thank you,



So you want a simple solution huh?
Here it is:

function addRow() {
   this.onchange = null;
   Dynamic HTML code ...

Have fun Nathaniel10

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