hi all i have this api but can not figure out for the life of me how to echo specific data from the api i am new-ish to php so any help would be great thanks in advance
// Setup API
$API = new LodestoneAPI();
// Search by Name + Server
$API->searchCharacter("Premium Virtue", "Gungnir");
// Get by specific ID
# $API->parseProfile($ID);
# Show($API->getCharacters());
// Get by specific ID
# $API->parseAchievements($ID);
# Show($API->getAchievements());
// Print source code (for debugging)
/* LodestoneAPI
* ------------
* > parseProfile - $ID [public] (Parse the lodestone and obtain profile information based on their character ID.)
class LodestoneAPI extends Parser
// url addresses to various lodestone content.
private $URL = array(
'profile' => 'http://na.beta.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/',
'achievement' => '/achievement/',
'search' => '?q=%name%&worldname=%server%'
// Configuration
public $AchievementCategories = array(13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24);
// List of characters parsed.
public $Characters = array();
public $Achievements = array();
public $Search = array();
// Search a character by its name and server.
public function searchCharacter($Name, $Server)
if (!$Name)
echo "error: No Name Set.";
else if (!$Server)
echo "error: No Server Set.";
// Get the source
$this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . str_ireplace(array('%name%', '%server%'), array(str_ireplace(" ", "+", $Name), $Server), $this->URL['search']));
// Get all found characters
$Found = $this->findAll('thumb_cont_black_50', 5, NULL, false);
// Loop through results
foreach($Found as $F)
$Avatar = explode('"', $F[0])[3];
$Data = explode('"', $F[3]);
$ID = trim(explode('/', $Data[3])[3]);
$NameServer = explode("(", trim(str_ireplace(">", NULL, strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Data[4])))));
$Name = trim($NameServer[0]);
$Server = trim(str_ireplace(")", NULL, $NameServer[1]));
$Language = $F[4];
// Append search results
$this->Search['results'][] = array(
"avatar" => $Avatar,
"name" => $Name,
"server" => $Server,
"id" => $ID,
// Number of results
$this->Search['total'] = count($this->Search['results']);
// Get search results
public function getSearch() { return $this->Search; }
// Parse a profile based on ID.
public function parseProfile($ID)
if (!$ID)
echo "error: No ID Set.";
// Get the source
$this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . $ID);
// Create a new character object
$Character = new Character();
// Set Character Data
$Character->setAvatar($this->find('thumb_cont_black_40', false));
$Character->setPortrait($this->findRange('bg_chara_264', 2, NULL, false));
$Character->setBirthGuardianCompany($this->findRange('chara_profile_list', 60, NULL, false));
$Character->setCity($this->findRange('City-state', 5));
$Character->setBiography($this->findRange('txt_selfintroduction', 5));
$Character->setHPMPTP($this->findRange('param_power_area', 10));
$Character->setAttributes($this->findRange('param_list_attributes', 8));
$Character->setElemental($this->findRange('param_list_elemental', 8));
$Character->setOffense($this->findRange('param_title_offence', 6));
$Character->setPhysical($this->findRange('param_title_melle', 6));
$Character->setResists($this->findRange('param_title_melleresists', 6));
$Character->setSpell($this->findRange('param_title_spell', 6));
$Character->setPVP($this->findRange('param_title_pvpparam', 6));
$Character->setActiveClassLevel($this->findRange('"class_info"', 3));
// Set Gear (Also sets Active Class and Job)
$Gear = $this->findAll('item_detail_box', NULL, '//ITEM Detail', false);
// Set Minions
$Minions = $this->findRange('area_header_w358_inner', NULL, '//Minion', false);
// Set ClassJob
$Character->setClassJob($this->findRange('class_fighter', NULL, '//Class Contents', false));
// Append character to array
$this->Characters[$ID] = $Character;
// Parse just biography, based on ID.
public function parseBiography($ID)
// Get the source
$this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . $ID);
// Create a new character object
$Character = new Character();
// Get biography
$Character->setBiography($this->findRange('txt_selfintroduction', 5));
// Append character to array
$this->Characters[$ID] = $Character;
// Get a list of parsed characters.
public function getCharacters() { return $this->Characters; }
// Get a list of parsed characters.
public function getCharacterByID($ID) { return $this->Characters[$ID]; }
// Get a list of parsed characters
public function getAchievements() { return $this->Achievements; }
// Parse a achievements based on ID
public function parseAchievements($ID)
if (!$ID)
echo "error: No ID Set.";
// Loop through categories
foreach($this->AchievementCategories as $Category)
// Get the source
$x = $this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . $ID . $this->URL['achievement'] .'category/'. $Category .'/');
// Create a new character object
$Achievements = new Achievements();
// Get Achievements
$Achievements->set($this->findAll('achievement_area_body', NULL, 'bt_more', false));
$Achievements->setPoints($this->findRange('total_point', 10));
// Append character to array
$this->Achievements[$ID][$Category] = $Achievements;
/* Character
* ---------
class Character
private $ID;
private $Name;
private $Server;
private $Avatars;
private $Portrait;
private $Legacy;
private $Race;
private $Clan;
private $Nameday;
private $Guardian;
private $Company;
private $FreeCompany;
private $City;
private $Biography;
private $Stats;
private $Gear;
private $Minions;
private $ClassJob;
// ID
public function setID($ID)
$this->ID = $ID;
public function getID() { return $this->ID; }
public function setNameServer($String)
$String = explode(" (", str_ireplace(")", NULL, $String));
$this->Name = trim($String[0]);
$this->Server = trim($String[1]);
public function getName() { return $this->Name; }
public function getServer() { return $this->Server; }
public function setAvatar($String)
$this->Avatars['50'] = trim(explode('"', $String)[3]);
$this->Avatars['64'] = str_ireplace("50x50", "60x60", $this->Avatars['50']);
$this->Avatars['96'] = str_ireplace("50x50", "96x96", $this->Avatars['50']);
public function getAvatar($Size) { return $this->Avatars[$Size]; }
public function setPortrait($String)
$this->Portrait = trim(explode('"', $String[1])[1]);
public function getPortrait() { return $this->Portrait; }
public function setRaceClan($String)
$String = explode("/", $String);
$this->Clan = trim($String[0]);
$this->Race = trim($String[1]);
public function getRace() { return $this->Race; }
public function getClan() { return $this->Clan; }
public function setLegacy($String) { $this->Legacy = $String; }
public function getLegacy() { return $this->Legacy; }
public function setBirthGuardianCompany($String)
$this->Nameday = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($String[11])));
$this->Guardian = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($String[15])));
$Company = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($String[30])));
$this->Company = array("name" => explode("/", $Company)[0], "rank" => explode("/", $Company )[1]);
$FreeCompany = trim($String[35]);
$FreeCompanyImg = trim(filter_var(explode('"', $FreeCompany)[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->FreeCompany = array("name" => trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($FreeCompany))), "url" => trim($FreeCompanyImg));
public function getNameday() { return $this->Nameday; }
public function getGuardian() { return $this->Guardian; }
public function getCompany() { return $this->Company; }
public function getFreeCompany() { return $this->FreeCompany; }
public function setCity($String) { $this->City = trim($String[1]); }
public function getCity() { return $this->City(); }
public function setBiography($String) { $this->Biography = trim($String[0]); }
public function getBiography() { return $this->Biography; }
// HP + MP + TP
public function setHPMPTP($String)
$this->Stats['core']['hp'] = trim($String[0]);
$this->Stats['core']['mp'] = trim($String[1]);
$this->Stats['core']['tp'] = trim($String[2]);
public function getHP() { return $this->Stats['core']['hp']; }
public function getMP() { return $this->Stats['core']['mp']; }
public function getTP() { return $this->Stats['core']['tp']; }
public function setAttributes($String)
$this->Stats['attributes']['strength'] = trim($String[0]);
$this->Stats['attributes']['dexterity'] = trim($String[1]);
$this->Stats['attributes']['vitality'] = trim($String[2]);
$this->Stats['attributes']['intelligence'] = trim($String[3]);
$this->Stats['attributes']['mind'] = trim($String[4]);
$this->Stats['attributes']['piety'] = trim($String[5]);
public function setElemental($String)
$this->Stats['elemental']['fire'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['elemental']['ice'] = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['elemental']['wind'] = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['elemental']['earth'] = trim(filter_var($String[3], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['elemental']['lightning'] = trim(filter_var($String[4], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['elemental']['water'] = trim(filter_var($String[5], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setOffense($String)
$this->Stats['offense']['accuracy'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['offense']['critical hit rate'] = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['offense']['determination'] = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setDefense($String)
$this->Stats['defense']['defense'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['defense']['parry'] = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['defense']['magic defense'] = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setPhysical($String)
$this->Stats['physical']['attack power'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['physical']['skill speed'] = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setResists($String)
$this->Stats['resists']['slashing'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['resists']['piercing'] = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['resists']['blunt'] = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setSpell($String)
$this->Stats['spell']['attack magic potency'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['spell']['healing magic potency'] = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
$this->Stats['spell']['spell speed'] = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setPVP($String)
$this->Stats['pvp']['morale'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setActiveClassLevel($String)
$this->Stats['active']['level'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
public function setGear($Array)
$this->Gear['slots'] = count($Array);
$GearArray = NULL;
// Loop through gear equipped
foreach($Array as $A)
// Temp array
$Temp = array();
// Loop through data
$i = 0;
foreach($A as $Line)
// Item Icon
if (stripos($Line, 'socket_64') !== false) { $Data = trim(explode('"', $A[$i + 1])[1]); $Temp['icon'] = $Data; }
if (stripos($Line, 'item_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(str_ireplace(array('>', '"'), NULL, strip_tags(html_entity_decode($A[$i + 2])))); $Temp['name'] = $Data; }
if (stripos($Line, 'item_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(html_entity_decode($A[$i + 3])); $Temp['slot'] = $Data; }
// Increment
// Append array
$GearArray[] = $Temp;
$GearArray[$Temp['slot']] = $Temp;
// Set Gear
$this->Gear = $GearArray;
// Set Active Class
$classjob = explode("'", $this->Gear[0]['slot'])[0];
$this->Stats['active']['class'] = $classjob;
$this->Stats['active']['job'] = str_ireplace("Soul of the ", NULL, $this->Gear['Soul Crystal']['name']);
public function setMinions($Array)
// Pet array
$Pets = array();
// Loop through array
$i = 0;
foreach($Array as $A)
if (stripos($A, 'ic_reflection_box') !== false)
$Pets[] = trim(explode('"', $Array[$i])[5]);
// Increment
// set pets
$this->Minions = $Pets;
public function setClassJob($Array)
// Temp array
$Temp = array();
// Loop through class jobs
$i = 0;
foreach($Array as $A)
// If class
if(stripos($A, 'ic_class_wh24_box') !== false)
$Data = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Array[$i])));
$Level = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Array[$i + 1])));
$EXP = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Array[$i + 2])));
if ($Data)
$Temp[] = array(
'class' => $Data,
'level' => $Level,
'exp' => array(
'current' => explode(" / ", $EXP)[0],
'max' => explode(" / ", $EXP)[1]
// Increment
$this->ClassJob = $Temp;
/* Achievement
* -----------
class Achievements
private $Category;
private $TotalPoints;
private $Points;
private $List;
public function setCategory($ID)
$this->Category = $ID;
public function getCategory() { return $this->Category; }
public function setPoints($String)
$this->TotalPoints = trim($String[0]);
public function getPoints() { return $this->TotalPoints; }
public function set($Array)
// New list of achievements
$NewList = array();
// Loop through achievement blocks
foreach($Array as $A)
// Temp data array
$Temp = array();
// Loop through block data
$i = 0;
foreach($A as $Line)
// Get achievement Data
if (stripos($Line, 'achievement_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); $Temp['name'] = $Data; }
if (stripos($Line, 'achievement_point') !== false) { $Data = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); $Temp['points'] = $Data; }
if (stripos($Line, 'getElementById') !== false) { $Temp['date'] = trim(filter_var(explode("(", strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line)))[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); }
// Increment
// Obtained or not
if ($Temp['date']) { $Temp['obtained'] = true; } else { $Temp['obtained'] = false; }
// Increment Points
if ($Temp['obtained']) { $this->Points['current'] += $Temp['points']; }
$this->Points['max'] += $Temp['points'];
// Append temp data
$NewList[] = $Temp;
// Set Achievement List
$this->List = $NewList;
public function get() { return $this->List; }
/* Parser
* ------
* > getSource - $URL [protected] (Fetches the source code of the specified url.)
* > curl - $URL [private] (Core curl function with additional options.)
class Parser
// The source code of the most recent curl
protected $SourceCodeArray;
// Find data based on a tag
protected function find($Tag, $Clean = TRUE)
// Search for element
foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
// Trim line
$Line = trim($Line);
// Search line
if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false)
// If clean, clean it!
if ($Clean) { $Line = $this->Clean(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); }
// If empty, return true for "found", else return line.
if (empty($Line))
return true;
return $Line;
// No find
return false;
// Find data based on a tag, and take the next i amount
protected function findRange($Tag, $Range,$Tag2 = NULL, $Clean = TRUE)
$Found = false;
$Found2 = false;
$Interates = 0;
$Array = NULL;
// If range null
if (!$Range) { $Range = 9999; }
// Search for element
foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
// Trim line
$Line = trim($Line);
// Search line, mark found
if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false) { $Found = true; }
if(stripos($Line, $Tag2) !== false) { $Found2 = true; }
if ($Found)
// If clean true, clean line!
if ($Clean) { $Array[] = $this->Clean(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); } else { $Array[] = $Line; }
// Iterate
// If iterate hits range, break.
if ($Interates == $Range || $Found2) { break; }
// Remove empty values
$Array = array_values(array_filter($Array));
// Return array, else false.
if ($Array)
return $Array;
return false;
// Finds all entries based on a tag, and take the next i amount
protected function findAll($Tag, $Range, $Tag2 = NULL, $Clean = TRUE)
$Found = false;
$Found2 = false;
$Interates = 0;
$Array = NULL;
$Array2 = NULL;
// If range null
if (!$Range) { $Range = 9999; }
// Search for element
foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
// Trim line
$Line = trim($Line);
// Search line, mark found
if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false && $Tag) { $Found = true; }
if(stripos($Line, $Tag2) !== false && $Tag2) { $Found2 = true; }
if ($Found)
// If clean true, clean line!
if ($Clean) { $Array[] = $this->Clean(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); } else { $Array[] = $Line; }
// Iterate
// If iterate hits range, append to array and null.
if ($Interates == $Range || $Found2)
// Remove empty values
$Array = array_values(array_filter($Array));
// Append
$Array2[] = $Array;
$Array = NULL;
// Reset founds
$Found = false;
$Found2 = false;
$Interates = 0;
// Return array, else false.
if ($Array2)
return $Array2;
return false;
// Removes section of array up to specified tag
protected function segment($Tag)
// Loop through source code array
$i = 0;
foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
// If find tag, break
if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false) { break; }
// Splice array
array_splice($this->SourceCodeArray, 0, $i);
// Clean a found results
private function clean($Line)
// Strip tags
$Line = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line));
// Random removals
$Remove = array("-->");
$Line = str_ireplace($Remove, NULL, $Line);
// Return value
return $Line;
// Prints the source array
public function printSourceArray()
// Get the DOMDocument from the source via its URL.
protected function getSource($URL)
// Get the source of the url
# Show($URL);
$Source = $this->curl($URL);
$this->SourceCodeArray = explode("\n", $Source);
return true;
// Fetches page source via CURL
private function curl($URL)
$options = array(
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // return headers
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, // follow redirects
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle all encodings
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referer on redirect
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 60, // timeout on connects
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60, // timeout on response
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 5, // stop after 10 redirects
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36",
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Accept-Language: en'),
$ch = curl_init($URL);
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
$source = curl_exec($ch);
return htmlentities($source);