I am trying to decrypt a CSV using Coldfusion. The CSV has been encrypted using gpg4win. I have created a scheduled task in CF Admin which checks a folder for the encrypted file and if found, decrypts it and stores the result in another folder as a CSV file (Which will then be imported into a DB).
This is an excerpt of the code:
<cfparam name="Variables.InputFolderName" default="inputfolder" />
<cfparam name="Variables.OutputFolderName" default="outputfolder" />
<cfparam name="gKeyPassphrase" default="sampletestkey" /> <!--- Passphrase for gpg encryption --->
<cfparam name="gEncryptionKeyID" default="sampletestid" /> <!--- Encryption iD --->
<cfset inputFilePath = ExpandPath("/resources/uploads/csv/#Variables.InputFolderName#") />
<cfset outputpath = ExpandPath("/resources/uploads/#Variables.OutputFolderName#") />
<cfdirectory directory="#inputFilePath#" name="Variables.EncryptedCSVFiles" filter="*.gpg" action="list" >
<cffile action="read" file="#inputFilePath#\#name#" variable="Variables.EncryptedCSVData" />
<cfexecute name="C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\gpg2" arguments="--passphrase=#gKeyPassphrase# --batch -o #inputFilePath# -d -r #gEncryptionKeyID# ouputfile=#outputpath#/test.csv" timeout="300"></cfexecute>
<cfcatch type="any">
<!--- I tried emailing a cfdump of the error to myself but it didn't work --->
When I run the scheduler manually, the 'This scheduled task was completed successfully.' displays in CF Admin but the a decrypted file is not created and I don't get any error reporting email either.
Will be really grateful if anyone can help me out with this.
Thank you.