hiya in my database i have a users table

Create Table Users(

email varchar (40) NOT NULL,
pass CHAR (40) NOT NULL,
first_name varchar (15) NOT NULL,
last_name varchar (30) NOT NULL,
active CHAR (32),
registration_date datertime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(member_id),
UNIQUE KEY (email),
KEY (email, pass)

I want the administrator to be able to login from the same location as the user however when logged in different admin links would appear for the admin pages How would i do this if someone could pleaase let me know i would be greatful

thanks Brims

hiya in my database i have a users table

Create Table Users(

email varchar (40) NOT NULL,
pass CHAR (40) NOT NULL,
first_name varchar (15) NOT NULL,
last_name varchar (30) NOT NULL,
active CHAR (32),
registration_date datertime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(member_id),
UNIQUE KEY (email),
KEY (email, pass)

I want the administrator to be able to login from the same location as the user however when logged in different admin links would appear for the admin pages How would i do this if someone could pleaase let me know i would be greatful

thanks Brims

You'll have to add another field to your users table that associates each user with a user group.

And create a new table called user groups. (Not necessary but good practise)

Example Users Table:

Create Table Users(

email varchar (40) NOT NULL,
pass CHAR (40) NOT NULL,
first_name varchar (15) NOT NULL,
last_name varchar (30) NOT NULL,
active CHAR (32),
registration_date datertime NOT NULL,
group_id tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY(member_id),
UNIQUE KEY (email),
KEY (email, pass)

Notice the group_id. This associates each user with a user group.

Then you can create a user groups table.

CREATE TABLE user_group (
id tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',

Then you can assign groups like "admin", "user" etc.

You login form does not have to change at all.
When a user is logged in, you can just query the db for their user group if you know their user id.

Pseudo Example:

$userid = getUserIdFromSession(); // pseudo function that gets the user id from the users session info

$query = "SELECT u.*, g.* FROM Users AS u, user_group AS g LEFT JOIN user_group ON (u.group_id = g.id) WHERE u.user_id = '$userid' LIMIT 1";

$table_rows = dbQuery($query); // pseudo funciton to query mysql

$user_info = $table_rows[0]; // assuming mysqlQuery returns table rows in an array format, then the user info is in the first array index $table_rows[0]

var_dump($user_info); // debug: take a look at the returned info

$user_group = $user_info['name'];

if ($user_group == 'admin') {
   // user is an admin
  echo 'Admin Links';
} else {
  // user is not an admin
  echo 'User links';


This will return the User information Merged with the user_group.
You can then decide if the user is an admin based on the returned group.

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