Hi i have a long script named images.php that handles the image manipulation and the following script to handle multiple images at once
// load the image manipulation class
require '../../image.php';
// create a new instance of the class
$image = new Zebra_Image();
$directory = 'jocuri';
if ($handle = opendir($directory.'/')) {
$cat=array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.', '..', 'index.php'));
foreach($cat as $key => $game) {
if ($cat!='.'&&$cat!='..'&&$cat!='index.php') {
// indicate a target image
// note that there's no extra property to set in order to specify the target
// image's type -simply by writing '.jpg' as extension will instruct the script
// to create a 'jpg' file
echo $image->target_path = $directory.'/'.$game.'/thumb.jpg';
// indicate a source image (a GIF, PNG or JPEG file)
//$image->source_path = 'path/to/image.png';
// since in this example we're going to have a jpeg file, let's set the output
// image's quality
$image->jpeg_quality = 100;
// some additional properties that can be set
// read about them in the documentation
$image->preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
$image->enlarge_smaller_images = true;
$image->preserve_time = true;
// resize the image to exactly 100x100 pixels by using the "crop from center" method
// (read more in the overview section or in the documentation)
// and if there is an error, check what the error is about
if (!$image->resize(100, 100, ZEBRA_IMAGE_CROP_CENTER)) {
// if there was an error, let's see what the error is about
switch ($image->error) {
case 1:
echo 'Source file could not be found!';
case 2:
echo 'Source file is not readable!';
case 3:
echo 'Could not write target file!';
case 4:
echo 'Unsupported source file format!';
case 5:
echo 'Unsupported target file format!';
case 6:
echo 'GD library version does not support target file format!';
case 7:
echo 'GD library is not installed!';
// if no errors
} else {
echo 'Success!';
how can i display the images?