I m using xampp 1.8.2 on windows xp , i was testing my word pres plugin it shows queries not executed or show a blank page

while when i upload my plugin to byethost online server all codes working properly .

My question is , why a same code show eror on xampp not on online server .
Plz share with me al posible causes

Do you have errors in your error log?

WP has table "option".
Url of site will be stored on that table.
when use in localhost, you need to change url:


use in server, need to be change:


Please check that.

may be your plugin not run on local server it need online server to show the result.

add define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); to your wp-config.php to see errors

Actualy i was using php 5.3 thats why my plugins not working properly , i instal php5.5 now and all my plugins working well

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