I have a query that selects data and places it into an array. This array can contain 'null' as a results. I want to remove all the varaibles that say 'null'. I have a code that is suppse to remove all the null variables but instead it replaces them with numbers?
Here is my Code
$query = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE $info = '$search1' ORDER BY id DESC";
$results = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)){
$Array[] = $row['first_names'];
$Array[] = $row['last_names'];
}//end while mysql_fetch_array
foreach (array_keys($Array, 'null') as $key) {
The results I get look like this
[ 1:"Bob", 3:"Smith"]
if I remove the foreach function the results look like this,
I don't know where the numbers are coming from, but don't be confused about me setting the Array[] to different values. I want the first name and last name in serperate quotations. Some people dont have last names so the space is filled with a 'null' and I am trying to remove all the nulls.