I am making a wordpress theme by myself. I register the menus in my theme's function.php and show the menu using wp_nav_menu(). But problem is that the registered menu is not showing on wordpress dashboard>appearance>. In appearance tab there are themes and editor tab but no menu tab.

my function.php is as below :

add_action('after_setup_theme', 'WP_Bstrap_setup' );

function WP_Bstrap_setup() {



add_theme_support('post-formats',array( 'aside','image','link','quote','status' ) );

register_nav_menus( array('primary'  => __( 'Primary Navigation', 'WP_Bstrap' ),
  ) );
add_theme_support('custom-background', array('default-color' => 'e6e6e6',));

and menu code:

wp_nav_menu( array('theme_location' => 'primary',
            'menu_class' => 'nav'));

Please Help me to find where is the problem. I am new in WordPress.Thank you


I believe to be able to be able for the menu show on the dashboard, you will have to do it as suggested by codex. Dashboard is part of the admin menu group.

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