Here i am uploading data through a form which contains some input fields and one image. But i want to upload multiple images here instead of one image. I am attaching my php code here to upload the data and single image. Can anyone edit this code to add mutliple images. Name the next 2-3 images as post_icon1, post_icon2

Thanks in advance .......

$cat = array ( 
     "1" => "Yes", 
     "2" => "No" 
$post_roots = array ( 
     "1" => "Select Yes (OR) No",
     "2" => "Yes", 
     "3" => "No"
  $post_title= $_POST['post_title'];
  $developer_name= $_POST['developer_name'];
  $post_size= $_POST['post_size'];
  $post_version= $_POST['post_version'];
  $req_android= $_POST['req_android'];
  $cats = $_POST['cat'];
  $post_root= $_POST['post_root'];
  $post_category= $_POST['post_category'];
  $post_description= $_POST['post_description'];
  $post_changes= $_POST['post_changes'];
  $post_permision= $_POST['post_permision'];

  $repl= $_POST['repl'];


  foreach ($cats as $catid){
    $cat_ids.= $catid;
  $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp");
  $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["post_icon"]["name"]));
  if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["post_icon"]["tmp_name"])) {
    //echo "Type: " .$_FILES["post_icon"]["type"]. "<br>";
    if ((($_FILES["post_icon"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["post_icon"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["post_icon"]["type"] == "image/png") || ($_FILES["post_icon"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")) && in_array($extension, $allowedExts)){
    //&& ($_FILES["post_icon"]["size"] < 20000)
      if ($_FILES["post_icon"]["error"] > 0)
      //echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["post_icon"]["error"] . "<br />";
        $msg= "Return Code: " . $_FILES["post_icon"]["error"] . "<br />";
        if (file_exists("upload/posts/" . $_FILES["post_icon"]["name"]) && $repl<>1)
          //echo $_FILES["post_icon"]["name"] . " already exists. "; 
          $msg = $_FILES["post_icon"]["name"] . " already exists. "; 
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES["post_icon"]["tmp_name"], "upload/posts/" . $_FILES["post_icon"]["name"]);
        //echo "post Details added Successfully.<br>";
      $msg= "Invalid file";
      //echo "Invalid file";
  echo "Sucess:$success<br><br>";

    //echo "Entered<br>";
    $QUERY= "insert into post_submision (post_title, posticon, developer_name, post_size, post_version, req_des,post_description, post_changes, post_permision, post_recomend, post_category, post_root, datetime) values ('" .escapeChar($post_title). "','" .escapeChar($post_icon). "','" .escapeChar($developer_name). "','" .escapeChar($post_size). "','" .escapeChar($post_version). "','" .escapeChar($req_android). "','" .escapeChar($post_description). "','" .escapeChar($post_changes). "','" .escapeChar($post_permision). "','" .escapeChar($cat_ids). "','" .escapeChar($post_category). "','" .escapeChar($post_root). "',now())";
    //echo "Query:$QUERY<br><br>";
    $result = mysql_query($QUERY);
    $post_title= "";
    $developer_name= "";
    $post_size= "";
    $post_version= "";
    $req_android= "";
    $post_description= "";
    $post_changes= "";
    $post_permision= "";
    $cats = "";
    $post_category= "";
    $post_root= "";
    $repl= "";
    //echo "REPLACE: $repl<br>";
    //echo "post: " .$post_title. "<br>";
    $msg= "post Details Successfully Added.";


if you did write this code, it should be not that hard
- place the file checking part into a foreach($_FILES as $file) loop
- save the file name in an array
- change the query and table to accept multipe icones

This is done by my friend and at present he is not available to edit the changes. Can you rewrite the code with your changes

Thanks for the reply

Member Avatar for diafol

Can you rewrite the code with your changes

That's really not the purpose of this forum. This issue has been addressed many times here. Do a forum search - you should get what you're looking for.

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