I am completely new to JavaScript. I do not understand it, even after reading numerous sources of information about it. I am stumpt on a question and really need help. Everything JavaScript is so unfamiliar.

Here is what I need:

Write a custom error handling JavaScript™ function called processErrors that handles a custom error by assigning it to the onerror event handler. Include the block of JavaScript™ statements needed to pass the arguments sent by the JavaScript™ interpreter into the processErrors function, send an alert message with the agreements, return, and write the event handler that calls the processErrors function.

Please, please help me make sense of this. I have no clue what to do or how to complete this.

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I have no clue what to do or how to complete this.


You can't post the code you have done so far to describe here:

Write a custom error handling JavaScript™ function called processErrors that handles a custom error by assigning it to the onerror event handler. Include the block of JavaScript™ statements needed to pass the arguments sent by the JavaScript™ interpreter into the processErrors function, send an alert message with the agreements, return, and write the event handler that calls the processErrors function.

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