Hi All, I am trying to connect to a Network drive remotely using authentication data(\drive_name)(T:). I will need to upload and download documents. If possible can you give me some pointers.

If you require any additional information please let me know

Thanks in advance


Sorry the drive name I am trying to connect to is data(\drive_name)(T:).it looked confusing


you can upload file without using the drive name..
note that
Source ->>(should have already an access)->> Destination
then you could access it the destination like:

$config['upload_path'] = '\\ipaddressOrName\sharedpath';

Hi Thank you both for your reponses

A remote user will be required to log on to a network drive and access documents which can be downloaded and other documents uploaded.

The PHP is to check login credentials and allow access.



Hi All, I have looked around and tried the following code. Am I on the correct path with this type of code, to access a server?

What I have tried does not work, any advice?

I have been researching here http://uk3.php.net/function.opendir

Thanks in advance

$dir = "\\wat-sql-42_sp\Watkins Reports";

// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
if (is_dir($dir)) {
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($dir . $file) . "\n";

Hi All as anyone got any questions? Have I made everything clear? Does any have any ideas? do you need additional information?



The open_dir and related functions are for working with a local filesystem. To access something on a remote server, you're better off looking into an FTP connection to achieve the results you're looking for. See documentation here:


Hi Lsmjudoka, thanks for your reply and for my late reply, other things have taken over.

I will look at you link contents and see where I get to on this.



Hi Lsmjudoka, Thanks for the info got me started. I will mark insolved and start a new thread for my new questions.



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