hello i am using asp.net
Label2.Text = "https://maps.google.mu/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=Super+U&fb=1&gl=mu&hq=super+u&hnear=0x217dab7739bd6edb:0xb470aaccbadadf71,Grand+Baie&cid=0,0,9595546268857988711&ei=v52LUsfpGofKrAfq84CAAg&ved=0CKwBEPwSMA8"
End While
Response.Redirect("http://localhost:9333/ozeki?action=sendMessage&login=admin&password=abc123&recepient=" + num + "&messageData=" + "Address :=" + "%20" + Label1.Text + Label2.Text)
i have to send message to ozeki virtual phone everything is working fine but there is one problem.
when label2 display the message on ozeki virtual phone it only display "https://maps.google.mu/maps?ie=UTF it dont display the special characters.
any one can help me with this code