Hey programmers, I am working for my website http://www.printusher.com and when i wish to make it open fast for seo reasons. the website speed is slow. How can i speedify my website to open it seen. Please give me some suggestions who know about this problem

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SEO and speed may be separate issues. Speed often depends on size of images, the number of calls to resources like css and js files. Also js scripts may take a while to do their thing - you can find out the time it takes for resources to load in the developer tools like 'Inspect element' (right-click in Chrome). Are you loading a lot of unnecessary CSS rules? How many of them are being used?
If you're using PHP on the back-end, are you using needless loops or/and iterating mysql calls.

If you are loading a lot of images, consider combining them into a css background sprite or are you able to provide the same sort of effect with things like gradients? Are your images optimised? Do they need to be as big as they are?

Are your pages, or parts of them cached? Caching resources should enable you to deliver content a lot quicker - some template engines are very good at managing this aspect.

Calls to php functions can be timed and the output placed to the screen, so you can check for slowdowns.

Also if you're on a 'boutique' shared host with limited resources, a neighbouring site could be causing problems across the board. If you can't find the issue in your own site, perhaps a call to them could help sort things out.

Finally, are you sure it's the site? Could it be that you have a slow connection? It loaded within 1-2 seconds for me. Not too bad.

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Having said all that, here's a screenshot of your loads in descending order or time...

I'd recommend you test your site on http://www.webpagetest.org/. I ran a test against your site and it wasnt scored very well. If you look at the summary, there are quite a bit of recommendations related to compressing and caching.

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