I have created a asp.net web application for running a video in an external video player (ffplay). I have given the path of the .exe file. My application is working fine in VS2012. But im not able to host it in IIS.
Process ffplay = new Process(); //creating process for ffplay
string mpg = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Videos\\Sample Videos\\Wildlife.wmv";
string arg = "-x 700 -y 500 -autoexit \"" + mpg + "\"";
ffplay.StartInfo.Arguments = argu;
string fl = @"C:/FFmpeg/bin/ffplay.exe";
ffplay.StartInfo.FileName = fl;
Steps I followd to host:
1)Copied my application in C:\inetpub\wwwroot
2)Right-click on my application in IISMgr ---> Convert to application
Please help me with the steps to host the application.Its very urgent.