if(isset($_POST['adate']) && isset($_POST['atime']) && isset($_POST['discno']) && isset($_POST['babybht']) && isset($_POST['motherbht']) && isset($_POST['ward']) && isset($_POST['namebo']) && isset($_POST['address1']) && isset($_POST['address2']) && isset($_POST['telephone']) && isset($_POST['ageonadmission']) && isset($_POST['admissionweight']) && isset($_POST['bdate']) && isset($_POST['btime']) && isset($_POST['poaw']) && isset($_POST['poad']) && isset($_POST['bweight']) && isset($_POST['placeofdelivery']) && isset($_POST['admittedfrom']){}
If I use so many boolean operators in a 'if condition' like above code fragment, will it affect to the reliability of the application. I've heard if the software complexity is more than 10 then that is not a reliable software.
Sorry for the broken English.