Hey guys, quick question on the best way to implement ASP into HTML.

Right now i have a finished web form in a default.aspx file and a Default.aspx.vb file.

So two files:

My question is how would I nest or call this on an html page? through an iframe? a div? I've been looking for tutorials but maybe i'm not searching the right terms.

if you have any links to youtube tutorials or if there's another thread that already handles this, please link me.


ps. Mods, if this is the wrong place to post this, please tell me where to push this to

Why would you be trying to display an asp.net page via an HTML file? Why not access the asp.net page directly?

If you can explain the purpose of what you are trying to accomplish, maybe we can suggest other alternative?

If you absolutely had to display an asp.net via an HTML page, yes you could use an iframe.

More information would be helpful...

well i want to display it inside the page because I have other elements going on around the page that weren't built in asp so i was wondering if there was a way (i guess through an iframe) to do that.

Could you point me to the best implementation of an asp.net inside an iframe?

oh and super thanks for responding so quick

well i want to display it inside the page because I have other elements going on around the page that weren't built in asp

An asp.net (.aspx) page can contain asp.net controls as well as other common components such as htmlelements, javascript, styles, etc... Default.aspx can contain all your as asp.net controls as well as HTML. Your .aspx.vb page will contain your vb.net code.

But in any case, to answer your question, yes you can include an iframe element on the HTML page and set the source of the iframe element to be that of the asp.net page.

I'm only asking and discussing the options just to provide you with alternate ideas and possible solutions.

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