Hello i choose this title cause i dont know how it calls with the real name but i will try to explain...
Im asking does its possible to put a video on a website which will get the data from my computer so to get rid of uploading the video to the database and stuff.. but that video to can watch anyone in the world not just me and also does it will be fast like it will be if i upload on database or youtube or something else, im not sure that it will be slower im just asking ..
Thank you and if you dont understand clearly what im talking about i will try to explain better :)

Anyone please ?

I'm not really sure what you're asking, but it sort of sounds like you described YouTube or Vimeo.

Im asking does its posible to attach video to my website but the video to be in my PC and does its possible to watch it on the site it self from anywhere in the world :)

Im asking does its posible to attach video to my website but the video to be in my PC and does its possible to watch it on the site it self from anywhere in the world :)

The only possible way I can see this happening, is if you ran a web server on your PC, and then could link to it from said website, or just hosted that website on your PC. I wouldn't do that unless I had an actual dedicated PC for doing this, and I would lock it down so only you would be able to access it.

In addition to the requirements of running a web server on your PC, you also have to consider the fact that your network has to be up and functional, as well as the requirements for a bandwidth. for example, many people these days have high speed internet at their home. However, its asyncronous with regards to the downlaod/upload pipe. Traffic leaving your network is limited by the amount of upload speed they give you. It could be possibly 10x less than your download speed. To get a video off of your PC and out through your network connection may be very slow, especically if you have more than one person trying to access that video.

Thank you for the answers and does its safe or unsafe to do that ?

Good example thanks all :)

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