$_objSmsProtocolGsm = new Com("ActiveXperts.SmsProtocolGsm");
$objMessage = new Com ("ActiveXperts.SmsMessage");
$objConstants = new Com ("ActiveXperts.SmsConstants");
$objMessage->Recipient = $cell;
$objMessage->Format = $objConstants->asMESSAGEFORMAT_UNICODE;
$objMessage->Data = "Your password is: " . $r;
$_objSmsProtocolGsm->Device = "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem #2";
$_objSmsProtocolGsm->DeviceSpeed = 0;
if( $_objSmsProtocolGsm->LastError == 0 ){
$_objSmsProtocolGsm->Send( $objMessage );
$_SESSION["lastname"] = "";
$_SESSION["firstname"] = "";
$_SESSION["middlename"] = "";
$_SESSION["address"] = "";
$_SESSION["bday"] = "";
$_SESSION["nationality"] = "";
$_SESSION["cell"] = "";
$_SESSION["height"] = "";
$_SESSION["agent"] = "";
$_SESSION["mother"] = "";
$_SESSION["email"] = "";
$_SESSION["civilstat"] = "";
$_SESSION["hair"] = "";
$_SESSION["complexion"] = "";
$_SESSION["weight"] = "";
$_SESSION["vital"] = "";
$_SESSION["father"] = "";
$_SESSION["birthdate"] = "";
I've had that error when i was testing an SMS fucntion in my PHP code. I have been told to add this
;extension="php_com_dotnet.dll"" in the PHP.ini files. but it still doesn't go away. I do have the DLL in the ext folder in my XAMPP directory
here is my current PHP version "5.4.22 "