I have many pages which has the same form so I made a page called contactsGo.php and all the forms on the other pages should send to this page what I need is to redirect from contactsGo.php to each page sent the form

this is my code



    $subject="Contact us"; 

        $content = "New Message Form Contact us\n From: ".$name.",\n Email: ".$email.",\n Phone: ".$phone.",\n Company: ".$company.",\n Message: ".$message;
        $headers = 'From: info@siliconerubber-rtv2.com'."\r\n" .
        'Reply-To: info@siliconerubber-rtv2.com'."\r\n".
        'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
        $retval=mail($recipient, $subject, $content, $headers);
        if( $retval == true ){header('Location:'.$host.$uri.'?msg=Message Has been sent successfully');}
        else{header('Location:'.$host.$uri.'?msg=Error sending message please try again later');}

and this is the form code

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" action="contactsGo.php?<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; echo rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\'); ?>">

hi you can use something like an identifier that will be send together with the data in contactsGo.php where you will use a simple IF statement to check if the data is from that specific form or not. and base on the IF Statement you can use a simple header redirect

something like

if ($identifier=="from_form1"){
 header("Location: form1.php")
header("Location: form2.php")

hi ehpratah there is no 'form2.php' it's just the name of the form, I need to get the url of the pages that send this form and redirect to this pages, beside it will be long code if, else I believe there is aother simple way to do that

there are really other way to do it. i just show you a simple solution. can you elavorate what your trying to achieve without using this and this. from what i understand you just wanna know what page send the contact info and when the info is emailed succesfully it will return to the form where the info originated.

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If you have a reusable form, I suggest that you have a php file just for the form (let's call it form.php for now). The form then has a hidden redirect control:

<form action="process.php" method="post">
    <!--other controls here-->
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php echo (isset($form_redirect)) ? $form_redirect : '';?>" /> 

IN your pages you can then do...

In contact.php

$form_redirect = "contact.php"; //this could be created dynamically from $_SERVER vars too.
require "includes/form.php";

In sendcomment.php

$form_redirect = "sendcomment.php"; //this could be created dynamically from $_SERVER vars too.
require "includes/form.php";

Alternatively, you could do something like this...

<form action="process.php" method="post">
    <!--other controls here-->
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>" /> 

And then just this in every page that needs it...

require "includes/form.php";

As users could spoof your form or use curl to send data including a malicious redirect, you would do well to provide a "whitelist" of allowable redirect values in your process.php:

$redirect = $_POST['redirect'];
$allowed_redirects = array("contact.php","sendcomments.php");

if(in_array($redirect, $allowed_redirects))
    ...do processing... then...
    header("Location: $redirect");
    ...bad call...
commented: I second this approach +4
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