i want to change the colour of output text field when i check the check box. its working fine if instead of output i use inputext field but not working with out put text field.
this is the code snipt of jsp page

<af:panelFormLayout id="pfl3">
                                            <af:selectBooleanCheckbox label="Noun "
                                                                      id="sbc1" selected="true"/>
                                             <af:clientListener type="click" method="changeColor"/>
                                            <af:inputText label="test" id="it5"/>
                                            <af:outputText value="hello " id="ota"/>


and this the jquery code
i tried all these ways but in vain

function changeColor() {
    if ($("input[name=sbc1]").val() != null) {
       if (($("input[name=sbc1]").is(':checked') == true )) {
            $("input[name=it5]").css("color", "magenta"); // works because it5 is input field

            // does not works because ota is output field
            $("input[name=ota]").css("color", "orange");
            $("ota").css("color", "green");
             $("input[name=ota]").css("color", "magenta");
             $("#ota").css("color", "magenta");

        else {
            $("input[name=it5]").css("color", "green");// works
            //does not work
            $("#ota").css("color", "green");
           document.getElementById('ota').style.color = "green";

It would help to see the actual HTML that is received by the browser rather than the jsp code. Load the page right click view source.

well the source page is kind of wierd

<html lang="en-US"><head><script>
** Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 * This is the loopback script to process the url before the real page loads. It introduces
 * a separate round trip. During this first roundtrip, we currently do two things: 
 * - check the url hash portion, this is for the PPR Navigation. 
 * - do the new window detection
 * the above two are both controled by parameters in web.xml
 * Since it's very lightweight, so the network latency is the only impact. 
 * here are the list of will-pass-in parameters (these will replace the param in this whole
 * pattern: 
 *        viewIdLength                           view Id length (characters), 
 *        loopbackIdParam                        loopback Id param name, 
 *        loopbackId                             loopback Id,
 *        loopbackIdParamMatchExpr               loopback Id match expression, 
 *        windowModeIdParam                      window mode param name, 
 *        windowModeParamMatchExpr               window mode match expression, 
 *        clientWindowIdParam                    client window Id param name, 
 *        clientWindowIdParamMatchExpr           client window Id match expression, 
 *        windowId                               window Id,
 *        redirectIdParam                        redirect Id parameter name
 *        jsessionId                             session Id that needs to be appended to the redirect URL
 *        enablePPRNav                           whether we want to enable PPR Navigation
 *        useCookies                             boolean indicating whether loopback values should be set as cookies,as opposed to query parameters
 *        cleanUrlMatchExpr1                     match expression for clearing out internal parameters like _afrLoop
 *        cleanUrlMatchExpr2                     secondary (cleanup) match expression for clearing out internal parameters like _afrLoop

function _addCookie(name, value)
  //Expire cookies in 30 seconds (once the cookie is included in the request header, it does not matter that it expired).
  var d = new Date();
  d.setTime(d.getTime() + 30000);
  var expires = "; expires=" + d.toUTCString();

  document.cookie = name + '=' + value + expires + '; path=/';

var id = null; 
var query = ''; 
var href = document.location.href; 
var hashIndex = href.indexOf("#"); 
var hash = null;

var useCookies = false;
if (useCookies)
  if (navigator && (true === navigator.cookieEnabled))
    useCookies = navigator.cookieEnabled;
    var t = '_cookiesEnabled_';
    document.cookie = t;
    useCookies = (document.cookie.indexOf(t) != -1);

// process the hash part of the url, split the url
if (hashIndex > 0) 
  hash = href.substring(hashIndex + 1); 
  // only analyze hash when pprNav is on
  if (false && hash && hash.length > 0) 
    hash = decodeURIComponent(hash); 
    if (hash.charAt(0) == "@") 
      query = hash.substring(1); 
      var state = hash.split("@"); 
      id = state[0]; 
      query = state[1]; 
  href = href.substring(0, hashIndex); 
  query = (query != null) ? query : '';

var oldUri = href;

if (useCookies)
  // Clear out any leftover internal parameters that may have been left in a bookmark, etc.
  href = href.replace(/_afrLoop=[^&^#]*&*|_afrRedirect=[^&^#]*&*|Adf-Window-Id=[^&^#]*&*|_afrWindowMode=[^&^#]*&*/g, '').replace(/[\?&]+$|[\?&]+(?=#)/, '');

/* process the query part */
var queryIndex = href.indexOf("?"); 
if (queryIndex > 0) 
  // only when pprNav is on, we take in the query from the hash portion
  query = (query || (id && id.length>0))? query: href.substring(queryIndex); 
  href = href.substring(0, queryIndex); 

var jsessionIndex = href.indexOf(';');
if (jsessionIndex > 0)
  href = href.substring(0, jsessionIndex);

// we will replace the viewId only when pprNav is turned on
if (false) 
  if (id != null && id.length > 0) 
    href = href.substring(0, href.length - 16) + id;

if (useCookies)
  _addCookie("_afrLoop", "1061995136979241");
  // We are adding the redirect Id parameter as well in case we are overriding redirect cookies (this should happen very infrequently,
  // and the end result will be performing a loopback for the request doing the rediect)
  _addCookie("_afrRedirect", "");
  var isSet = false; 
  if (query == null || query.length == 0) 
    query = "?"; 
  else if (query.indexOf("_afrLoop") >= 0) 
    isSet = true; 
    query = query.replace(/_afrLoop[^&]*/, "_afrLoop=1061995136979241"); 
    query += "&"; 
  if (!isSet) 
    query = query += "_afrLoop=1061995136979241"; 

var serverWindowId = "w1";
var clientWindowId = window.name;

// webkit will return a bogus window.name (html comment) if an iframe is not given
// an explicit id or name attribute.
// richwindowmanager._validatewindowid fails webkit browsers w namingcontainers
var vwid = new RegExp("^[\\w]+$");
if (!vwid.test(clientWindowId))
  clientWindowId = null;
// below is the new window detection logic
// we only think you are in ctrl-N case if your window.name is null/empty
// determine and append the _afrWindowMode param  
// set the default window mode to 0 to avoid getting redirected when existing window's name
// is the same as what the server expects while opening a new window
var windowMode = 0;

// "_rtrnId" query param is used by both browser window dialogs and inline dialogs
if (query.indexOf("_rtrnId") >= 0)
else if (!clientWindowId)
  // No client window name, so this is the ctrl-N case

if (useCookies)
  _addCookie("_afrWindowMode", windowMode);
  if (query.indexOf("_afrWindowMode=") >= 0) 
    query = query.replace(/_afrWindowMode=[^&]*/, "_afrWindowMode="+windowMode); 
    query = query += "&_afrWindowMode="+windowMode; 

// append the _afrWindowId param with the current client windowId.  If the client doesn't
// have a window name, use the name from the server and set the window's name to it
if (!clientWindowId)
  clientWindowId = serverWindowId;
  window.name = clientWindowId;

if (useCookies)
  _addCookie("Adf-Window-Id", clientWindowId);
  /* in case we couldn't detect the windowId from the server side */  
  if (query.indexOf("Adf-Window-Id=") >= 0) 
    query = query.replace(/Adf-Window-Id=\w*/, "Adf-Window-Id="+clientWindowId); 
    query = query += "&Adf-Window-Id=" + clientWindowId; 

var sess = "";

if (sess)
  /* here we check the jsessionId, if we ask the container to send jsessionId as */
  /* a parameter then it will look like "?jsessionid=xxx". */
  if (sess.indexOf(";")==0)
    href += sess;    
  else if (sess.indexOf("?") == 0) 
    if (query == null || query.length == 0) 
      query = "?"; 
      query += "&";
    query += sess.substr(1); 

 // Workaround for the Firebug bug, where the cached version of the loopback script is served
 var isOldFirebug = false;

 if (window.console != null && window.console.firebug != null)
   var ver = parseFloat(window.console.firebug);
   isOldFirebug = !isNaN(ver) && ver < 1.9;

 var newHref = href + query;

 hash = (false) ? null : hash;

 if (oldUri == newHref && (hash != null || isOldFirebug))
   newHref = (hash == null) ? newHref : newHref + '#' + hash;

</script><noscript>This page uses JavaScript and requires a JavaScript enabled browser.Your browser is not JavaScript enabled.</noscript></head></html>

Ok, hmm... i wasnt expecting there to only be javascript.

So when working with JavaScript/jQuery its important to know what elements are going to be avaiable to work with. The reason why i had asked for the HTML was to see what elmenets are actually there and what their IDs are. I dont know JSP, but in ASP.NET, the controls render as HTML elmenets and the IDs are generated by asp.net unless you include a parameter to make the IDs static in nature. Not sure if this also occurs in JSP.

So when you mention... not working with out put text field., there is no such things as an output textfield in HTML. your JSP code will take your <af:outputText /> control and convert it to HTML. What does it convert it to is the question... and what ID does that element have is the second question.

in <af:outputText value="hello " id="ota"/> isn't the id is ota ?
cant i access this element by using this id ?

Ok, so that was my point in my last post. I am not familiar with JSP, but in ASP.NET, even though the control is set to an ID="ota", this will not be the ID when the control is rendered as HTML. To do it in asp.net, you would have to add the attribute ClientIdMode="Static". I am going to assume there is an equivalent in JSP? That's the only idea that comes to mind at this moment.

The thing is that any server side scripting language that has their own controls... these controls must be converted to one or more HTML elments. The client browsers don't recognize what an output control is. The other way to verify is to see the HTML that is rendered which you say you were unable to see.

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