please help me. i have a google map on my website, but i cant get it to zoom out to show the circle radius, and it seems to be zooming only to view the markers. how can i zoom out to show the radius of the map?
see below the javascript code i currently have
class SphericalGeometry
// Earth's radius (at the Ecuator) of 6378137 meters.
const EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;
public static function getEarthRadius()
return self::EARTH_RADIUS;
* Computes a bounding rectangle (LatLngBounds instance) from a point and a given radius.
* Reference: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-db.html
* -------------NE
* | |
* | radius|
* | o------|
* | |
* | |
* SW-------------
* @param object $LatLng
* @param int|float $radius (In meters)
public static function computeBounds($LatLng, $radius)
$latRadiansDistance = $radius / self::EARTH_RADIUS;
$latDegreesDistance = rad2deg($latRadiansDistance);
$lngDegreesDistance = rad2deg($latRadiansDistance / cos(deg2rad($LatLng->getLat())));
// SW point
$swLat = $LatLng->getLat() - $latDegreesDistance;
$swLng = $LatLng->getLng() - $lngDegreesDistance;
$sw = new LatLng($swLat, $swLng);
// NE point
$neLat = $LatLng->getLat() + $latDegreesDistance;
$neLng = $LatLng->getLng() + $lngDegreesDistance;
$ne = new LatLng($neLat, $neLng);
return new LatLngBounds($sw, $ne);
public static function computeHeading($fromLatLng, $toLatLng)
$fromLat = deg2rad($fromLatLng->getLat());
$toLat = deg2rad($toLatLng->getLat());
$lng = deg2rad($toLatLng->getLng()) - deg2rad($fromLatLng->getLng());
return self::wrapLongitude(rad2deg(atan2(sin($lng) * cos($toLat), cos($fromLat)
* sin($toLat) - sin($fromLat) * cos($toLat) * cos($lng))));
public static function computeOffset($fromLatLng, $distance, $heading)
$distance /= self::EARTH_RADIUS;
$heading = deg2rad($heading);
$fromLat = deg2rad($fromLatLng->getLat());
$cosDistance = cos($distance);
$sinDistance = sin($distance);
$sinFromLat = sin($fromLat);
$cosFromLat = cos($fromLat);
$sc = $cosDistance * $sinFromLat + $sinDistance * $cosFromLat * cos($heading);
$lat = rad2deg(asin($sc));
$lng = rad2deg(deg2rad($fromLatLng->getLng()) + atan2($sinDistance * $cosFromLat
* sin($heading), $cosDistance - $sinFromLat * $sc));
return new LatLng($lat, $lng);
public static function interpolate($fromLatLng, $toLatLng, $fraction)
$radFromLat = deg2rad($fromLatLng->getLat());
$radFromLng = deg2rad($fromLatLng->getLng());
$radToLat = deg2rad($toLatLng->getLat());
$radToLng = deg2rad($toLatLng->getLng());
$cosFromLat = cos($radFromLat);
$cosToLat = cos($radToLat);
$radDist = self::_computeDistanceInRadiansBetween($fromLatLng, $toLatLng);
$sinRadDist = sin($radDist);
if ($sinRadDist < 1.0E-6)
return new LatLng($fromLatLng->getLat(), $fromLatLng->getLng());
$a = sin((1 - $fraction) * $radDist) / $sinRadDist;
$b = sin($fraction * $radDist) / $sinRadDist;
$c = $a * $cosFromLat * cos($radFromLng) + $b * $cosToLat * cos($radToLng);
$d = $a * $cosFromLat * sin($radFromLng) + $b * $cosToLat * sin($radToLng);
$lat = rad2deg(atan2($a * sin($radFromLat) + $b * sin($radToLat), sqrt(pow($c,2) + pow($d,2))));
$lng = rad2deg(atan2($d, $c));
return new LatLng($lat, $lng);
public static function computeDistanceBetween($LatLng1, $LatLng2)
return self::_computeDistanceInRadiansBetween($LatLng1, $LatLng2) * self::EARTH_RADIUS;
public static function computeLength($LatLngsArray)
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0, $l = count($LatLngsArray) - 1; $i < $l; ++$i)
$length += self::computeDistanceBetween($LatLngsArray[$i], $LatLngsArray[$i + 1]);
return $length;
public static function computeArea($LatLngsArray)
return abs(self::computeSignedArea($LatLngsArray, false));
public static function computeSignedArea($LatLngsArray, $signed = true)
if (empty($LatLngsArray) || count($LatLngsArray) < 3) return 0;
$e = 0;
$r2 = pow(self::EARTH_RADIUS, 2);
for ($i = 1, $l = count($LatLngsArray) - 1; $i < $l; ++$i)
$e += self::_computeSphericalExcess($LatLngsArray[0], $LatLngsArray[$i], $LatLngsArray[$i + 1], $signed);
return $e * $r2;
// Clamp latitude
public static function clampLatitude($lat)
return min(max($lat, -90), 90);
// Wrap longitude
public static function wrapLongitude($lng)
return fmod((fmod(($lng - -180), 360) + 360), 360) + -180;
* Computes the great circle distance (in radians) between two points.
* Uses the Haversine formula.
protected static function _computeDistanceInRadiansBetween($LatLng1, $LatLng2)
$p1RadLat = deg2rad($LatLng1->getLat());
$p1RadLng = deg2rad($LatLng1->getLng());
$p2RadLat = deg2rad($LatLng2->getLat());
$p2RadLng = deg2rad($LatLng2->getLng());
return 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin(($p1RadLat - $p2RadLat) / 2), 2) + cos($p1RadLat)
* cos($p2RadLat) * pow(sin(($p1RadLng - $p2RadLng) / 2), 2)));
* Computes the spherical excess.
* Uses L'Huilier's Theorem.
protected static function _computeSphericalExcess($LatLng1, $LatLng2, $LatLng3, $signed)
$latLngsArray = array($LatLng1, $LatLng2, $LatLng3, $LatLng1);
$distances = array();
$sumOfDistances = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i)
$distances[$i] = self::_computeDistanceInRadiansBetween($latLngsArray[$i], $latLngsArray[$i + 1]);
$sumOfDistances += $distances[$i];
$semiPerimeter = $sumOfDistances / 2;
$tan = tan($semiPerimeter / 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i)
$tan *= tan(($semiPerimeter - $distances[$i]) / 2);
$sphericalExcess = 4 * atan(sqrt(abs($tan)));
if (!$signed)
return $sphericalExcess;
// Negative or positive sign?
$v = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i)
$LatLng = $latLngsArray[$i];
$lat = deg2rad($LatLng->getLat());
$lng = deg2rad($LatLng->getLng());
$v[$i] = array();
$v[$i][0] = cos($lat) * cos($lng);
$v[$i][1] = cos($lat) * sin($lng);
$v[$i][2] = sin($lat);
$sign = ($v[0][0] * $v[1][1] * $v[2][2]
+ $v[1][0] * $v[2][1] * $v[0][2]
+ $v[2][0] * $v[0][1] * $v[1][2]
- $v[0][0] * $v[2][1] * $v[1][2]
- $v[1][0] * $v[0][1] * $v[2][2]
- $v[2][0] * $v[1][1] * $v[0][2]) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return $sphericalExcess * $sign;
class LatLng
protected $_lat;
protected $_lng;
public function __construct($lat, $lng, $noWrap = false)
$lat = (float) $lat;
$lng = (float) $lng;
if (is_nan($lat) || is_nan($lng))
trigger_error('LatLng class -> Invalid float numbers: ('. $lat .', '. $lng .')', E_USER_ERROR);
if ($noWrap !== true)
$lat = SphericalGeometry::clampLatitude($lat);
$lng = SphericalGeometry::wrapLongitude($lng);
$this->_lat = $lat;
$this->_lng = $lng;
public function getLat()
return $this->_lat;
public function getLng()
return $this->_lng;
public function equals($LatLng)
if (!is_object($LatLng) || !($LatLng instanceof self))
return false;
return abs($this->_lat - $LatLng->getLat()) <= SphericalGeometry::EQUALS_MARGIN_ERROR
&& abs($this->_lng - $LatLng->getLng()) <= SphericalGeometry::EQUALS_MARGIN_ERROR;
public function toString()
return '('. $this->_lat .', '. $this->_lng .')';
public function toUrlValue($precision = 6)
$precision = (int) $precision;
return round($this->_lat, $precision) .','. round($this->_lng, $precision);
class LatLngBounds
protected $_LatBounds;
protected $_LngBounds;
* $LatLngSw South West LatLng object
* $LatLngNe North East LatLng object
public function __construct($LatLngSw = null, $LatLngNe = null)
if ((!is_null($LatLngSw) && !($LatLngSw instanceof LatLng))
|| (!is_null($LatLngNe) && !($LatLngNe instanceof LatLng)))
trigger_error('LatLngBounds class -> Invalid LatLng object.', E_USER_ERROR);
if ($LatLngSw && !$LatLngNe)
$LatLngNe = $LatLngSw;
if ($LatLngSw)
$sw = SphericalGeometry::clampLatitude($LatLngSw->getLat());
$ne = SphericalGeometry::clampLatitude($LatLngNe->getLat());
$this->_LatBounds = new LatBounds($sw, $ne);
$sw = $LatLngSw->getLng();
$ne = $LatLngNe->getLng();
if ($ne - $sw >= 360)
$this->_LngBounds = new LngBounds(-180, 180);
$sw = SphericalGeometry::wrapLongitude($LatLngSw->getLng());
$ne = SphericalGeometry::wrapLongitude($LatLngNe->getLng());
$this->_LngBounds = new LngBounds($sw, $ne);
$this->_LatBounds = new LatBounds(1, -1);
$this->_LngBounds = new LngBounds(180, -180);
public function getLatBounds()
return $this->_LatBounds;
public function getLngBounds()
return $this->_LngBounds;
public function getCenter()
return new LatLng($this->_LatBounds->getMidpoint(), $this->_LngBounds->getMidpoint());
public function isEmpty()
return $this->_LatBounds->isEmpty() || $this->_LngBounds->isEmpty();
public function getSouthWest()
return new LatLng($this->_LatBounds->getSw(), $this->_LngBounds->getSw(), true);
public function getNorthEast()
return new LatLng($this->_LatBounds->getNe(), $this->_LngBounds->getNe(), true);
public function toSpan()
$lat = $this->_LatBounds->isEmpty() ? 0 : $this->_LatBounds->getNe() - $this->_LatBounds->getSw();
$lng = $this->_LngBounds->isEmpty()
? 0
: ($this->_LngBounds->getSw() > $this->_LngBounds->getNe()
? 360 - ($this->_LngBounds->getSw() - $this->_LngBounds->getNe())
: $this->_LngBounds->getNe() - $this->_LngBounds->getSw());
return new LatLng($lat, $lng, true);
public function toString()
return '('. $this->getSouthWest()->toString() .', '. $this->getNorthEast()->toString() .')';
public function toUrlValue($precision = 6)
return $this->getSouthWest()->toUrlValue($precision) .','.
public function equals($LatLngBounds)
return !$LatLngBounds
? false
: $this->_LatBounds->equals($LatLngBounds->getLatBounds())
&& $this->_LngBounds->equals($LatLngBounds->getLngBounds());
public function intersects($LatLngBounds)
return $this->_LatBounds->intersects($LatLngBounds->getLatBounds())
&& $this->_LngBounds->intersects($LatLngBounds->getLngBounds());
public function union($LatLngBounds)
return $this;
public function contains($LatLng)
return $this->_LatBounds->contains($LatLng->getLat())
&& $this->_LngBounds->contains($LatLng->getLng());
public function extend($LatLng)
return $this;
class LatBounds
protected $_swLat;
protected $_neLat;
public function __construct($swLat, $neLat)
$this->_swLat = $swLat;
$this->_neLat = $neLat;
public function getSw()
return $this->_swLat;
public function getNe()
return $this->_neLat;
public function getMidpoint()
return ($this->_swLat + $this->_neLat) / 2;
public function isEmpty()
return $this->_swLat > $this->_neLat;
public function intersects($LatBounds)
return $this->_swLat <= $LatBounds->getSw()
? $LatBounds->getSw() <= $this->_neLat && $LatBounds->getSw() <= $LatBounds->getNe()
: $this->_swLat <= $LatBounds->getNe() && $this->_swLat <= $this->_neLat;
public function equals($LatBounds)
return $this->isEmpty()
? $LatBounds->isEmpty()
: abs($LatBounds->getSw() - $this->_swLat)
+ abs($this->_neLat - $LatBounds->getNe())
<= SphericalGeometry::EQUALS_MARGIN_ERROR;
public function contains($lat)
return $lat >= $this->_swLat && $lat <= $this->_neLat;
public function extend($lat)
if ($this->isEmpty())
$this->_neLat = $this->_swLat = $lat;
else if ($lat < $this->_swLat)
$this->_swLat = $lat;
else if ($lat > $this->_neLat)
$this->_neLat = $lat;
class LngBounds
protected $_swLng;
protected $_neLng;
public function __construct($swLng, $neLng)
$swLng = $swLng == -180 && $neLng != 180 ? 180 : $swLng;
$neLng = $neLng == -180 && $swLng != 180 ? 180 : $neLng;
$this->_swLng = $swLng;
$this->_neLng = $neLng;
public function getSw()
return $this->_swLng;
public function getNe()
return $this->_neLng;
public function getMidpoint()
$midPoint = ($this->_swLng + $this->_neLng) / 2;
if ($this->_swLng > $this->_neLng)
$midPoint = SphericalGeometry::wrapLongitude($midPoint + 180);
return $midPoint;
public function isEmpty()
return $this->_swLng - $this->_neLng == 360;
public function intersects($LngBounds)
if ($this->isEmpty() || $LngBounds->isEmpty())
return false;
else if ($this->_swLng > $this->_neLng)
return $LngBounds->getSw() > $LngBounds->getNe()
|| $LngBounds->getSw() <= $this->_neLng
|| $LngBounds->getNe() >= $this->_swLng;
else if ($LngBounds->getSw() > $LngBounds->getNe())
return $LngBounds->getSw() <= $this->_neLng || $LngBounds->getNe() >= $this->_swLng;
return $LngBounds->getSw() <= $this->_neLng && $LngBounds->getNe() >= $this->_swLng;
public function equals($LngBounds)
return $this->isEmpty()
? $LngBounds->isEmpty()
: fmod(abs($LngBounds->getSw() - $this->_swLng), 360)
+ fmod(abs($LngBounds->getNe() - $this->_neLng), 360)
<= SphericalGeometry::EQUALS_MARGIN_ERROR;
public function contains($lng)
$lng = $lng == -180 ? 180 : $lng;
return $this->_swLng > $this->_neLng
? ($lng >= $this->_swLng || $lng <= $this->_neLng) && !$this->isEmpty()
: $lng >= $this->_swLng && $lng <= $this->_neLng;
public function extend($lng)
if ($this->contains($lng))
if ($this->isEmpty())
$this->_swLng = $this->_neLng = $lng;
$swLng = $this->_swLng - $lng;
$swLng = $swLng >= 0 ? $swLng : $this->_swLng + 180 - ($lng - 180);
$neLng = $lng - $this->_neLng;
$neLng = $neLng >= 0 ? $neLng : $lng + 180 - ($this->_neLng - 180);
if ($swLng < $neLng)
$this->_swLng = $lng;
$this->_neLng = $lng;
//$location = 'rothwell,northamptonshire,england';
//$distance = 1;
//generate the URL for to retrieve the geocode based on address in csv
$url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?';
$url .= 'address='.str_replace(' ','+',$location).'&'; //change data[1] to correct column
$url .= 'sensor=false';
//send request to google api v3
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
//parse the geocode result
$json = json_decode($response);
if($json->status == 'OK'){
$userlocation[0] = $json->status;
$userlocation[1] = $json->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$userlocation[2] = $json->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
} elseif($json->status == 'ZERO_RESULTS'){
} else {
<script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=geometry&sensor=false" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
var service;
var markers = [];
function initialize(){
//default center for the UK/Europe
var mcenter = new google.maps.LatLng(53.428279,-0.176318);
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var latlnguser = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $userlocation[1]; ?>,<?php echo $userlocation[2]; ?>);
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(latlnguser); //overwrite
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
center : mcenter,
zoom : 12
markers.push(addUserMarker(new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $userlocation[1]; ?>,<?php echo $userlocation[2]; ?>), "You"));
var request = {
location : mcenter,
radius : '500',
types : ['atm', 'bus_station', 'parking']
//$sth = $dbh->query('SELECT * FROM markers');
//$markers = $sth->fetchAll();
foreach($markers as $marker):
$imgunc = "../downloads/".$marker['house_id'].'/';
var latlngmarker = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $marker['lat']; ?>,<?php echo $marker['lng']; ?>);
//do this is they have actually chosen their location - post exists
//calculate the distance in miles - convert from metres
var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(latlngmarker, latlnguser);
var miles = distance * 0.000621371192;
if(miles <= <?php echo $distance; ?>) {
//add marker to the map
markers.push(addMarker(new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $marker['lat']; ?>,<?php echo $marker['lng']; ?>), "<?php echo $marker['house_id']; ?>","<div class='infowindow'><img style='float:left;padding-right:10px;' src='<?=$imgunc?><?php if($marker['images_count'] > 0) { echo $this->config->item('thumb_image_name').$marker['images'][0]['file_name']; } ?>' /><a href='property/<?=$marker['house_id']?>'>more info</a> <?=$marker['house_id']?></div>"));
//add to bounds to determine zoom/center
//just plot stuff normally
//add marker to the map
markers.push(addMarker(new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $marker['lat']; ?>,<?php echo $marker['lng']; ?>), "<?php echo $marker['house_id']; ?>"));
//add to bounds to determine zoom/center
//alert('Markers: ' + markers.length);
if(markers.length > 0){
//zoom in to fit all markers on the map
var center = bounds.getCenter();
} else {
alert('No Properties Found!');
var myinfowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
function addMarker(location, title,myhtml) {
var mytext = myhtml;
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/icons/blue-dot.png',
position : location,
map : map,
title : title,
infowindow: myinfowindow
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
this.infowindow.open(map, this);
//google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseout', function() {
// this.infowindow.close();
return marker;
function addCircle(miles) {
var meters = miles * 1609.344;
// Add circle overlay and bind to marker
var circle = new google.maps.Circle({
map: map,
radius: meters, // 10 miles in metres
fillColor: '#AA0000'
circle.bindTo('center', marker, 'position');
function addUserMarker(location, title) {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/icons/red-dot.png',
position : location,
map : map,
title : title
return marker;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);