Hy guys, I managed to upload my winzip archive online and unzip it. However I can not access my website (I have the Default.aspx file which should be automatically recognized as the startup page, and lots of other files that go with the webapplication upload) however I get an error when trying to access that site. Is there a website which gives instructions on how to upload a asp.net file online and what do you think what am I doing wrong and what should I be aware of? I ve founded a free asp.net hoster (www.somee.com). This is the first time I m putting my asp.net files on the web itself previously I ve just used localhost to see the c# outcome.

how to upload a asp.net file online

I normally just connect to the provider using an FTP client such as FileZilla and copy the files up. Your provider will give you the ftp address and you simply set up a username and password.

I have used somee.com as well and I use FileZilla to copy my files up. I use somee for testing/demos, etc.. http://itg.somee.com/dw/

I've never tried using the zip approach you described so im not sure how to handle that using that process.

ok, I ll try the FileZilla

I can not believe my eyes, it is working!!! Thank you so much, I have spent nearly 11hours to somehow upload my C# code online but I just could not do it.


I have spent nearly 11hours to somehow upload my C# code online but I just could not do it.

Look at it this way, you spent 11 hours to figure out how it's not done. lol.. all experiences are always opportinities for learning.

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