Need assistance in using PHP to connect to webservice using SoapClient (I am kinda new to SOAP)
Here is the WSDL URL:
Here is the SOAP request from SoapUI with correct data in the fields:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:scs="">
Here is the first few lines of the SOAP response that comes back in SoapUI:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetRatesResponse xmlns="">
<ProductTypeDescription>Vehicle Service Contract</ProductTypeDescription>
<ProgramDescription>Menu Integration VSC</ProgramDescription>
Can you show me the PHP code using SoapClient to connect to the webservice, send the data in the request and bring back the response fields. I need to see how to write any of the fields that are returned back onto my site or store them in a PHP variable for use later.
The main field I want to bring back to my website is: <netrate>1145.00</netrate>
but would also like to know how to capture all the fields into PHP variables if necessary.
I do have a basic understanding of SOAP and PHP but i havent been able to make this to work all the way yet!
Thanks for your help!