Hello to all,

I have a ruby script with a very long hash with more than 300 associations.
The script looks like below:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

Array_A = []
myHash = {
                "x1" => "2",
                "x2" => "0",
                "x3" => "1",
                "X350" => "1"

myHash.keys.each do |z|
    Array_A << "This is key " + z

puts myHash.values.join("|")                            
puts Array_A.join("|") 

But since the hash is very large, for reading purposes I'd like to put the hash at the end of the script and the each.do loop and puts command first,
something like below.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Array_A = []

myHash.keys.each do |z|
    Array_A << "This is key " + z

puts myHash.values.join("|")                            
puts Array_A.join("|") 

myHash = {
                "x1" => "2",
                "x2" => "0",
                "x3" => "1",
                "X350" => "1"

Put your code in a method that takes the hash as an argument, then define the hash after the method and call the method at the end.

Hello sepp2k,

Thanks for answer.

I'm a kind of new into Ruby.

How would do the way to do it? I've tried some way but I cannot paste the code for you to see it
since the toolbar Code button is not working.

Thanks again

def my_method(hash)
  # ...

hash = {
  "foo" => "bar",
  # ...

Or even:

def my_method(hash)
  # ...

  "foo" => "bar",
  # ...

Should I to pass as argument the array too?

Is not working yet.

This is what I have so far.

Array_A = []
def load_values(hash={})
    myHash.keys.each do |z|
        Array_A << "This is key " + z

myHash = {
                "x1" => "2",
                "x2" => "0",
                "x3" => "1",
                "X350" => "1"


puts myHash.values.join("|")                            
puts Array_A.join("|")

Thanks again for the help

You're calling your parameter hash, but trying to access it as myHash. I'm also not sure that giving it a default value here is a good idea - it's not clear to me why calling it with an empty hash would ever be desirable - it just wouldn't do anything.

Other than that your code is correct.

Should I to pass as argument the array too?

Assuming you always want to start with an empty array, I'd just create it inside the method (as a non-constant) and then return it as the result.

If you want to be able to start with a non-empty array, passing it as the argument would be a good idea.

Hello sepp2k,

It was a typo about hash and myHash, but is not working yet like this:

Array_A = []
def load_values(myHash)
    myHash.keys.each do |z|
        Array_A << "This is key " + z

myHash = {
                "x1" => "2",
                "x2" => "0",
                "x3" => "1",
                "X350" => "1"


puts myHash.values.join("|")                            
puts Array_A.join("|")

I want to start with an empty array and return the array as result to print the content of Array_A at the end joining it with "|", but I'm not sure how is the correct way to do it inside the method.

What do you mean it does not work. The output I get when running your code (after removing the "..." in the hash of course) is:

This is key x1|This is key x2|This is key x3|This is key X350

In what way is that not the output you expected?

Hi sepp2k,

Thank you! it works now. The issue I had it was that I was putting the hash argument with uppercase and it was being detected as constant.

I changed to lowercase and it worked.

Many thanks for your help.

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