Hi All, I am currently trying to update a check box . Then pass the data back through the same page and if set update DB. The code is long so I shall be as concise as possible.
I have pulled the data from the DB and I am using a check box to submit and test if checkbox has been submitted using isset $_POST on checkbox. I have also used debug on GET and REQUEST and I am not sure why it does not work.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
if (isset($_POST['checkbox'])){
echo "SET";// udate approval
<td class="centre">
<input class="checkboxnostyle" id="PO_Approved<?= $rowProduct['POID']; ?>" name="PO_Approved<?= $rowProduct['POID']; ?>" onClick="location.href='/sons/approval.php?POID=<?= $rowProduct['POID']; ?>&UserID=<?= $_SESSION['UserID']; ?>';" type="checkbox" value="PO_approved" />