Can you please help me? Im working on with a simple program wherein if the button is clicked, the person will be notified in his/her email. .aspx page will be seen in the email body. Thank you for your responses!

What do you have so far? What is not working for you?

It's working already. I used namespace: Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices. Thank you, btw.

Also, I'm having a hard time with this problem.

string link = "<a href='Page.aspx'>"+ textBox1.Text +"</a>";
string body = "Number :" + link ;
em.sendMailConfirmation("", "Good day!", body);

It is not working. There is no link inside the email.

Did you make sure that textBox1.Text actually contains a value, and that the value is not a quotation mark which would impact your string value.

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