Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi all, I have some HTML as follows and I want it so when you click on an <li> it returns the dd3-content and url.

<div class="dd" id="nestable3">
    <ol class="dd-list" id="start">
        <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
            <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
            <div class="dd3-content">Home</div>
            <div class="url" style="display:none;">homeurl</div>
        <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
            <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
            <div class="dd3-content">About Us</div>
            <div class="url" style="display:none;">abouturl</div>
        <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
            <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
            <div class="dd3-content">Gallery</div>
            <div class="url" style="display:none;">galleryurl</div>
            <ol class="dd-list">
                <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
                    <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
                    <div class="dd3-content">Contact</div>
                    <div class="url" style="display:none;">contacturl</div>

My problem is if it more than one level deep. It is returning the li above it as well

I just need the level clicked. Also I'm looking to write a delete option to delete the <li> clicked and the immediate ones below it. I can, if needed give each <li> a unique id. How can I achieve this.


It stops the event from "bubbling up".

Perfect solution, but don't forget to pass "event" as the function's parameter. Won't work (in some browsers) otherwise.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Thanks guys that's just great. Now I need a way to click on a <li> item and change the dd3-content field and url field. I have decided to give each li item a unique id.

So how may I do this? And I need a way to delete a selected node.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I'm really struggling with the update... I think I can do the remove since I've assigned each li and unique id.

Please can you help me with the update, here is my latest fiddle.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Damn, so it is. I so suck at jquery. I guess this is solved. Thanks

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I just realised the replace html isn't working properly I needed to add:


To limit it to the li clicked.

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