
I am looking for opensource messages that similar to email for internal admin elearning? Is there such a thing?

Thanks in advance.


Something like moodle?

Try with imgur or some regular image hosting.

I am not looking for photo gallery, it's more to mailbox within the admin page.

I meant it is very difficult to open your last link. Can you upload that image to some more acceptable server/service?

ok, well if you cannot open the images let me explain:

I would like to create an internal mailbox in the elearning website so that the register user can open messages in the website after they login.

Just like in facebook, you can receive messages right from other members and administrator?

Daniweb also have messages where you are allowed to send and receive messages.

I would like to create something like that but how?

Not instant messager, I mean internal web messages like in daniweb. The concept is similar like email yet it's not email since only for internal web and unable to send email to outsiders.

I have developed something similar, where they write their message, and it saves to a file on the database, then the person that it was sent to gets a notification that someone sent them a message and then if they reply the file just gets editted. So it's just changing file access.

ok, what I am confuse is how to create and build the databases and php script for internal custom email?

There are three type of user: Student, Teacher and Admin.

Student only able to receive email messages from Teacher and Admin from internal web user and unable to receive any email messages from outsiders.

How to create the database table ?

Common man, you been writing application all these years. I know you can do it.

Here is an example of a basic table structures of a internal PM system. Similar structure I used on the codeIgniter Library I wrote in the past.

here we go :
Table Name: messages

  `message_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `m_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `message` mediumtext NOT NULL,
  `message_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `sender_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `sender` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `sender_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `recepient` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `rec_time` int(20) NOT NULL,
  `read` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`message_id`)

I don't have much time to reassemble these, but I will provide you with the screenshots I believe you will need to get this done.

First, you need to have a class to retrieve the messages and deliver them to the member's inbox.

it should look something like this


as you can see the trash bin on the right is triggered through ajax. The message compose page


To send a message you need to collect the form data and reference to them.

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