My script has a two bugs, which I've been unable to fix. So, I need your help. Here is the file:

    // configuration

    // check if form was submitted
        // type of transaction - for tracking history
        $transaction = 'SELL';

        // validate submission
        if (empty($_POST["symbol"]))
            apologize("Select a stock to sell.");
        else if (!empty($_POST["symbol"]))
            if ($stock = lookup($_POST["symbol"]))
                // select database
                $shares = query("SELECT shares FROM portfolios WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["symbol"]);

                $value = $stock["price"] * $shares[0]["shares"];

                // delete stock's data from database table
                query("DELETE FROM portfolios WHERE id = ? AND symbol = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["symbol"]);

                // update users' DB table
                query("UPDATE users SET cash = cash + ? WHERE id = ?", $value, $_SESSION["id"]);

                // insert transaction into DB
                query("INSERT INTO history (id, transaction, symbol, shares, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $_SESSION["id"], $transaction, $_POST["symbol"], $shares[0]["shares"], $stock["price"]);
        // redirect to portfolio
        // query portfolio DB table
        $rows = query("SELECT * FROM portfolios WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);

        // create an array to store current user's stock symbols
        $stocks = [];

        // iterate through each of the current user's stocks
        foreach ($rows as $row)
            // save each stock symbol
            $stock = $row["symbol"];

            // add each stock symbol to the new array
            $stocks[] = $stock;

        // render the sell form
        render("sell_form.php", ["title" => "Sell Stock", "stocks" => $stocks]);


The code doesn't update the user's cash as intended, after sales are made. As follows is my code that I thought would have handled the issue:

query("UPDATE users SET cash = cash + ? WHERE id = ?", $value, $_SESSION["id"]);

Still on the script, the insert transaction into history DB table doesn't seem to work. The history is supposed to display transaction on tran-hist.php. This is what I thought would have handled the transaction insertion into the database:

query("INSERT INTO history (id, transaction, symbol, shares, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $_SESSION["id"], $transaction, $_POST["symbol"], $shares[0]["shares"], $stock["price"]);

What is the code for the query function?

Found a fix. Resolved.

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