Good Day. Call me Angel.
I'm havng trouble with Live Edit Table. Appears not to be working for me. I have this system. A small rental system actually, that would save the details for the rented properties. Here's the actual table:
<img src="">
(other columns are trimmed)
The admin has to fill the information needed to display the details of the property into a table. Then the database would post all the said details except for the No. of Rented Property/ies column. (must be empty at first until a client came for tenancy) That is when the column No.ofRentedProperty must fill. I'm trying to capture the idea of a Live Table Edit similar to the comments function in facebook. Where user could place a comment by just clicking a textbox (but on my part should be a hidden textbox on a span tag) then enters his/her post.
I tried to insert a made-up record as an example, everything has been successfully saved on the database and displays on the table (just as the plan) But when I tried the Live Edit to place a value for the No.ofRentedProperty, nothing happens. I mean, it does act like that of commmentbox on FB, but as soon as I hit enter, it actually didn't save. I found that very disturbing since the column for Amount Tendered relies on it. This column should multiply the value of No.ofRentedProperty to the Rent Cost (just another column beside) and display to its cell. But, since the Live Edit isn't working, even the Amount Tendered sisplays nothing.
You see on the image that there is a row where everything was properly displayed. That is when I tried to manually insert the next record on the database. That is when the multiplication works. But the manual use of insert statement isn't an option right? What's the point of having the system anyway?
Do you guys have any idea how to make this Live Edit Work? After all, only one column is being involved which is the NoOfRentedProperty. Suggestion?