Hi all,
I am doing web services for an Android application which sends push notification. Below is the scenario:
- I have 100s of customers registered on the website
- Each user has his own subscribers list
- Each user can schedule the push notification to be sent at a specific time
- I will be running a cron file which will check for the messages to be sent
Now I want to know that let's say there are 5 users A, B, C, D, E
1) User A has scheduled 10000 messages to be sent at 1 PM
2) User B has scheduled 50000 messages to be sent at 1 PM
3) User C has scheduled 15000 messages to be sent at 1 PM
4) User D has scheduled 25000 messages to be sent at 1 PM
5) User E has scheduled 30000 messages to be sent at 1 PM
What will happen in this case?
The cron will run every 1 minute and based on the descending IDs from the message table it will pick records
So the loop will start at 1PM and will pick the record which was inserted in the end that is for User E
Then next minute it will pick User D message which will start at 1:01 PM
Like this the User A message will start at 1:05 PM but he has scheduled for 1 PM
This is a scenario of just 5 users what will happen when 100s of users will schedule at same time?
I need you guys to guide me and let me know a proper way to do it.
how Bulk SMS/Email solutions works when they have 100s of users scheduling at same time?
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciable...