hi i have a problem while installing joomla lacally. i tried following procedure http://magazine.joomla.org/issues/issue-mar-2013/item/1110-free-e-book-%E2%80%93-introducing-joomla-30-made-easy
after fill all the fields click install button its tooks more time but still not installed. am getting problem in create databae tables is stil loading.

Hi Malatamil

Please can you provide us with your operating system , it will also help to know if you are running any anti-virus software and Skype, sometimes Skype can mess with the webserver.

The more information you provide the better, also if would also be useful to know if you have installed the database engine before, you may have clashing versions ?


thanks for your response. i installed locally and i have joomla template version 2.5 installed i want to update joomla 2.5 to 3.x so how to do update in lacalhost.
xmapp v3.x,
windows 7 32bit,

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