class phpParser{
public $pageString;
//some other properties and methods
class software{
private $baseName;
private $url;
private $html;
public initiateValues (){
$this->html = new phpParser ();
// Now how to access properties and methods of phpParser class through software class member $html (which is actually object // of phpParser class). I think i should be something like this
$mySoftware = new software();
$mySoftware->html->pageString; //this not work how i access please help me please urgently i am pending my work untill you //guys answer me
ousaf -3 Newbie Poster
pritaeas 2,194 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator Featured Poster

pritaeas 2,194 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator Featured Poster

veedeoo 474 Junior Poster Featured Poster
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